MTL - A Queen-Chapter 1627 The blood demon and the blood king outside the sky!

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  Chapter 1627 The blood demon and the blood king outside the sky!

   Tian Dujue's contempt made Dongdi and the others very uncomfortable, but the other party was the number one overlord in this era after all, no matter how proud they were in their bones, it was impossible for them to overthrow everyone with a single blow.

   What's more, they all recalled in their minds what Fifth Qingsha just mentioned—

   In the last era, the son of the Great Wilderness.

  In this era, the son of the emperor.

  Tian Dujue is so against the sky, could it be the old nine?

  Thinking that Tiandujue is the former nine younger brothers~The sons of the wilderness present are all embarrassing~

   In other words, it should be the son of the emperor! ~

  But it is also possible that it is really Lao Jiu

  This paradoxical feeling is too bad, they quickly cast off such doubts, and turned to look at Tiandujue and Prison Tomb.

  Currently they do not have the strength to resist.

  The sons of the wilderness exchanged glances in secret—they can’t move yet.

Ogihisa sneered at these people's secretiveness. It was like this before, saying that they wanted to dominate the world independently, but once they hurt their invincible opponents, they immediately huddled together. Once a strong enemy was defeated, they immediately attacked each other. A little bit reliable.

   That's why she doesn't consider working with these people

  In fact, she prefers to counterattack alone, or overwhelm in all directions, rather than this kind of "grass on the wall, when the wind blows, they fall together".

  The whole audience seemed to be confronting each other. Tian Dujue looked at the prison mausoleum, and with a glance, he fell under the pit that day.

   "It seems that she is below. Letting you outside alone, knowing that I will come to see you as a father is nothing to her"

   And now Ogihisa is considering whether to tell this overlord that the woman you love the most is undergoing resurrection below

  However, Hunmei is completely in Mei's mind. What if I tell this guy that this lunatic wants to help Dai Li instead!

   Really want to bring Mo Ran back to life?

  Hun Mei doesn’t know if there is such a heaven-defying ability in this world, but he knows that Emperor Zhang Yuan will not be aimless, so.

She looked at the Bingdi and the others, and suddenly said leisurely: "Although you don't care much about me, I would like to say a friendly reminder - your Great Desolation Body is placed below by her~ And why does Your Majesty the Empress want to Helping her like this~ just because she promised to send back the body of the Great Desolation..."

  "You guys waste time here again.. What will happen to the body of the wilderness and treasures below.. I can't guarantee~"

  This woman is really a mess~ She took advantage of her if she wasn't paying attention.

  Di Jiu coolly swept her away, only to see that Dongdi and Bingdi had already swiftly flew towards the tiankeng below

   These two local thieves!

  People in southern border were moved, they all looked at Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Muxue, but they didn't move.

  At the other end, Linghu Bai and Prince Beigong also looked at Gui Jianchou, but the latter had disappeared.

  The two who flew into the sky suddenly found a huge barren sand wall in front of them!


   Break it for me!

  Eastern Emperor Taiyi's domineering shot is as powerful as piercing the sky!


  The deserted soil and sand wall trembled dully, with cracks on it, the fifth light sand controlled in front frowned, and arranged another layer of sand with the Runtu next to it..

  With a thought of the Ice Emperor, countless arrows of frost and rain gathered in the sky, and the waterfall rained down!

   Bang bang bang!

  Though the thick and astonishingly defensive earthen walls were not blasted, they were frozen. After freezing, their toughness was greatly reduced. Then. Dongdi Taiyi raised his spear

  Boom! !

  Dongdi Taiyi was picked up by Ghost Sword and flew away with a sword!

  How strong is the sword controlled by the unicorn arm?

  Looking at the strongest Eastern Emperor Tai Yi in the Sons of the Wilderness, he was picked up and flew thousands of meters in a daze.

   "Beast God!" Dongdi Taiyi was furious!

But the Bingdi calmly looked at the two reincarnations in front of him, as well as the beast god's mouth, and suddenly said coldly to You Fusheng and Wuming: "You two want to watch from the sidelines, and you have to look here as well. biggest

   Hunters are not you! Our chance to stand up is just below"

  You Fusheng hooked the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, the sword slightly provoked a cold light, Wuming also turned into an aurora.

  Ogihisa's figure breaks through the air

   Just when the ancient beings of the Great Wilderness were about to start this round of tearing...


  The dark and deep tiankeng below suddenly burst with boundless evil and blood waves!

  Stack high!

  The blood reddened everyone's eyes.

  Tian Dujue closed his eyes slightly, and a dark light flashed in his eyes!

  Let's move forward in time for a moment..

  At that time, Mu Qingyan watched Dai Li and Liu Hongxiu attack fiercely in an instant

  Only the first round is a battle of Heaven Dou level

   Then one round after another. From the Tiandou level to the peak of the Tiandou level, the combat power of the lethality continued to soar, just like the stock market all the way to the top!

  But she knew that Dai Li's physical condition was getting worse all the way

   But her fighting spirit keeps soaring-

   Bang bang bang!

  Flesh and blood are flying everywhere, and the sea of ​​blood and evil spirits are entangled with each other. One is a demon from beyond the sky, and the other is a peerless blood king. This battle is destined to be full of blood.


Dai Li was shocked by a demon from Liu Hongxiu and rushed out. The space around him was chaotic for a moment. Before he could maintain his balance, Liu Hongxiu's person had already arrived in front of her. With his fingertips together, his hand turned into a bone, and the bone turned into a knife. , cut it hard.

  When the knife touched her collarbone, pierced the flesh and cut to the bone

  Dai Li's Qianji also poked Liu Hongxiu's abdomen..


  The two were hit by each other at the same time. Liu Hongxiu touched the bleeding hole in his lower abdomen with his hand, smiled, and stroked his hand. The wound healed quickly, but Dai Li couldn't!

  A piece of flesh was cut off from her bare shoulder, exposing her white and **** collarbone.

  Does it hurt?

  Dai Li licked the blood on his lower lip, "Heavenly Demon, really powerful"

"If you still have the original body, you will be as powerful as me, but unfortunately, you don't even dare to use your destructive power now, and your poor body will collapse. So, Dai Li, you are destined to be no match for me. ."

  " Obediently give me the method of resurrection, good~"

  Liu Hongxiu seemed to be coaxing a child, his tone was no different from the way he molested Dai Li back then.

  But people have already turned upside down.

  Dai Li saw impatience and faint rage in his eyes

   "You know I can't and won't."

  "Go to **** then!"

  As soon as Dai Li finished speaking, Liu Hongxiu suddenly turned into a giant statue of a wicked demon, which directly devoured Dai Li. . . .

  In the boat of bones, Mu Qingyan frowned, and turned to look at the coffin behind him..

  In the coffin, Mo Ran, who was covered by the power of immortality, seemed to be emitting a breath..

   Are souls reuniting?

   It really works!

  Liu Hongxiu felt it, and looked straight at the boat of bones, and rushed towards Mu Qingyan with a jump of fluid!

   Snatch the coffin of longevity!

  However, this seems to have angered Dai Li, who was bound and devoured the flesh.

   "Get out!"


  The demon colossus outside was forcefully propped up by the majestic sea of ​​blood

  Liu Hongxiu was blocked by Dai Li's sword. He charged into the sky! !


  The air seemed to be a thin film, the terrifying sea of ​​blood, the furious Dai Li, was even more insane in momentum than the demons outside the sky, so the sea of ​​blood propped up a huge demonic aura, and moved towards the top of the tiankeng..


  In the prehistoric land, Ice Emperor and others saw the terrifying aura with a strong **** momentum propping up the **** color from below, and they suddenly burst into flames!

   That is a monstrous **** wave!

  In this way, Liu Hongxiu, the evil spirit outside the sky, was stabbed into the sky with a long sword by Dai Li, who was soaked in blood

  Blood spilled from the two of them, chicken killing, violence, madness, faith!

   Mo Ran and Su Yuan, only one can live!

   Fight for them!

  The people in Penglai saw it, and so did Mu Lanxun.

   "The power of longevity is mine! Go to hell!" Liu Hongxiu was furious, with extreme evil and violent aura, brazenly pulled out the Qianji stuck in his chest, and stabbed Cong Daili's back with the bone bayonet with his backhand


  Both bodies were instantly turned into **** water and **** smoke.

  Blood sea, evil energy, two huge carriers collided in the sky!


   Such energy carriers strike.

   What swept over was a terrifying impact!

  Let many high-end monks with an army of tens of billions feel their own insignificance, and the opponent's crazy and perverted fighting style—

   My knee hurts!

  After the energy rushes past.

  Everyone in the audience saw the fluttering red clothes on her body, her ferocious face, and the bewitching Liu Hongxiu who recovered her **** mouths in the blink of an eye.

  However, the body of Dai Li on the opposite side should not be too bleak, with bones

  Ye Ziqing held the sword, but did not move.

   Can't move.

  The sky is still alive.

   There are still those few people who are still hiding in the dark and have not come out.

  So, can't move.

   If you move, you will become passive.

  But Tian Dujue still made everyone passive.

   "Have you played enough? Now that you have had enough, listen to me."

  His hand was placed on top of Hell's head.

  A slender Shenguang sword in the palm of his hand.

  Natal God lightsaber.

  "Dai Li, hand over her. Also, open up the original land of the wilderness, you know what I want."

  Tian Dujue's words reverberate in the sky, and there are boundless, upper and lower layers of the sky city **** army!

   Faceless, Nansen etc..

   There is also the powerful army of the underground palace, which has already stationed in the sky and the ground, magnificent and vast, so silent.

   Not only the prison mausoleum is in his palm, but everyone here

  Who can defeat such an army of the Protoss?

   Besides, Dai Li knew that he still had the Five Elements Desolation Army in his hands.

  Ogihisa looked at Dairi.

   Dear, where is your army?

  The agreed imperial army.—

  The wind is howling, and the murderous intent is spreading.

  Dai Li, who was covered in blood, gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his bloodless hand bone, and laughed a little while looking at Tian Dujue's expression.

   "If you do what you think, it seems that the consequences will not be better than not doing it."

Tian Dujue smiled: "Have I ever really killed you? A Li... Actually, I have always wanted to call you that. You are A Ran's daughter. From the beginning, I never thought about it and never really did it. Otherwise, do you think you can survive till now?"

  (end of this chapter)