MTL - A Queen-Chapter 1602 The Five Elements Desolation Army is terrifying! (Add more tomorrow)

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  Chapter 1602 Five Elements Desolate Killing Army, Horror! (Add more tomorrow)

  The places in the equipment department are the same as those in the military department above. The treasures are fixed, and if you move a point, the whole body will react to it!

   I am afraid that in this world, except Tiandujue, it is very difficult for anyone to escape

   Is it still an inducement?

  Dai Li restrained her breathing, and her eyes finally fell on the triangle, which is the top of the pyramid, based on her intuition... that building is the real secret that Tian Dujue wants to hide!

  Gulu, Dai Li landed in front of this palace building. There are four fairy masters stationed on the left and right sides of this square palace building. These four fairy masters are all star-level masters.

  Dai Li's water system, Huang Wen, disguised himself as water, and just swam past him silently..

  He didn't feel it.

  After all, Dai Li is already a star-level master, and a star-level peak, so he is naturally much stronger than these people, not to mention that she has such powerful weapons as Huangwen and soul, so she can protect herself.

   It's just that she can't be too loud, otherwise these legions will attack in groups, and these four star-levels alone will make it difficult for her to retreat, not to mention there are Tian Dujue above.

   After avoiding this star class, she came to the gate and couldn't see any place where her flowing water could seep in, so she could only use one method.

  Dai Li has analyzed the array components of this gate and is simulating it.


The sudden vibration made Dai Li jump, her hand shook, and the aura of absurdity leaked a little bit. Her first reaction was whether the star expert who was closest to her had noticed something, and whether she should take the lead in killing him. .

   "Enemy attack!"

   "Someone broke into the underground palace!"


  The military system of the underground palace started to move. Dai Li saw that there seemed to be someone intruding on the east side, and there were a lot of people. A crowd of dead soldiers?

   The one who takes the lead is the faceless, princely man!

Dai Li remembers that unconventional mask, that is, people who know the prince of Tiandu have already made a move, but this action is really fast enough, Dai Li is completely wary of the prince of Tiandu, especially the faceless-- She underestimated them.

  However, the other party might have caused the turmoil by moving the immortal artifacts in the equipment department, so she can take advantage of the chaos

  Dai Li was so agile and swift that he completely integrated himself into this door sealed with nine layers of secrets.

   But when she went in, she was thinking that her purpose was this building, maybe the Prince Tiandu!

  She can use Huangwen to enter here, so what does the prince of Tiandu rely on?

  Dai Li thought of the imperial order that he had not yet used, the other party must have this thing too!

   But Yu Ling cannot open this door

   "If he can come in, then it's proof that he's here~" Dai Li twitched his mouth and entered it completely.

   At that time, the faceless army in black had already fought fiercely with the underground palace army!

If Dai Li saw the strength of the black-clothed army, she would definitely be more afraid, but she didn't know that when they were fighting... a red shadow dragged a person into the red jade belt hanging around his waist without a sound blood pendant shaking

   On the other side, a guarding general left without a sound when the army of the underground palace was mobilized

  Of course, Dai Li has already arrived at them, and now they are fighting for time!

  The palace has a huge area, not empty, only the tall pillars, and countless terracotta warriors!

  Dai Li suddenly took a breath, looking at these terracotta warriors in astonishment, at least tens of thousands of terracotta warriors, these terracotta warriors are very numb, wood? earth? stone?

   "The five elements of the wilderness are fabricated by the five original forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to form the Five Elements Desolate Killing could Tiandujue could this be..."

  There is only one existence in the whole world that possesses this kind of power.

  Dai Li's mind was confused for a moment, and finally he gritted his teeth, his expression was ferocious for a moment, and finally he calmed down, walking in the middle of the empty path, and crossing these five elements.

   If successfully activated.. Each of these terracotta warriors is equivalent to a fairy master.

   Their power can suppress the power of all forces in Sifangtiandi, and then return Sifangtiandi to the barren era..

  Or rebuild an absolutely iron-blooded dynasty-no one can resist.

   Only then did Daili understand why Tian Dujue allowed the heroes of the four directions to unite for so many years, let alone the turmoil within the Protoss

  His ambition has never been in the current king, but also in the final emperor's arrival!

  Dai Li walked to the bottom of the nine steps of the imperial throne and stepped up step by step. Even this step and the imperial seat are exactly the same as her Great Desolate Imperial Palace..

  Tiandujue, who is it?

  There are three things on the wide table.

   There is a square box on the left, Dai Li knows what it is without looking, it is a square imperial seal!

   There is a fragment on the right, the original fragment of Thunder!



  Dai Centrifuge's thoughts were beating violently, staring at a slight stream of silver light floating in the crystal cube, as thin as a hair, fragile and lonely, just floating in the crystal cube.

   "Tianpo. A wisp of heavenly soul..."

  Dai Li's eyes turned red suddenly, and he stared blankly.

  Suddenly, she noticed that someone outside seemed to want to come in..

   Can’t drag anymore, these three things

Just as Dai Li was about to move, his hands stopped suddenly, the Six Paths of Samsara reached its strongest state, his palms were sealed, and he swiped ~ the triple keen eagle eye was floating, only then did he see that these three things involved countless streamlines, bound Once the fixed position of the Five Elements Desolation Army is set below, a single move will arouse the souls of their terracotta warriors..

"Sifang Emperor's Seal, a ray of remnants of the soul, a fragment of the original source of thunder. Ten thousand five-element desolation, a perfect energy breeding move, breaking the whole..." Dai Li pursed his lips, "But it's not There is no way to go forward, but with my current strength, I can only simulate two parts of energy traction, and persist for half an hour..."

Dai Li's eyes drifted, and landed on a square platform on the lower left of the throne. The four crystal teleportation pillars are the perverted super teleportation array. With just one thought, you can control this thousand-five-element desolate army to enter the teleportation array, and you can go directly to any place below, whether it is the southern border, the monster race, or the zombie race, sweeping invincible

   At present, they don't have any strength to resist such a force.

  Dai Li had cold sweat on his forehead.

   And someone outside has already used nonsense to analyze the gate

  Dai Li has no time to take care of the outsiders, so he must be one of the Nine Sons of the Great Wilderness..

   One second to locate, one second to choose, one second to act!

  Dai Li's two hands respectively hold the crystal crystal that detains Tianpo Cannian and the original fragment of Thunder!

   It's not that she doesn't want the Emperor's Seal, but that Sifang Emperor's Seal has never wanted the other three since she gave up the previous one.


  Dai Li grasped the two treasures tightly, and the soul flowed out of the body, and was divided into three parts. The two parts were simulated as the large number of traction lines. The other part fell down and teleported, and wrapped around the four pillars..

  One minute and one second..

   This is when her soul works its best! Come out in full force!

  Three seconds before the person outside the door enters!

  The two objects were put away by Daili Blink, and the teleportation array disappeared at the same time~!

   It's done! Walk!

  The gap in the door was opened slightly, when two beams of streamer flew in, her streamer flew out without a sound, just passing by..

   Looking away, Dai Li confirmed that these two people are Prince Tiandu and Liu Hongxiu, but it's not just these two people.

  The Sifang Imperial Seal will fall into their hands.


Sure enough, both Liu Hongxiu and Prince Tiandu were startled when they saw the Five Elements Desolate Killing Army. The former didn't understand at first, but he understood immediately, while Prince Du was horrified that day, but quickly covered it up Get up and say to Liu Hongxiu: "What you want is in front, what's going on!"

  Prince Tiandu paused suddenly, and looked ahead in disbelief.

   "Things have been taken away...but I still need it" Liu Hongxiu walked across the long road.

   "Not only the things but also the teleportation array, how could it be possible?" Prince Tiandu's eyes were gloomy, making Liu Hongxiu sneer: "You are all my prisoner, are you still thinking about which one here belongs to you?"

   "Prisoner? Heh~ Do you know that there used to be a teleportation array here, which allowed you to get the treasure and escape safely. Now without this thing, you can't escape."

Liu Hongxiu stared at him, with a faint smile: "You said it as if you would be fine by yourself. If I guessed correctly, those people outside are your people. You didn't expect that you would be killed by me when your own people did it. A prisoner, you still thought of being captured by me, and deliberately brought me here... In the end, you took the treasure, but let me take the blame."

Prince Tiandu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "You are much smarter than before, but people who are smart for a while never end well. I just want to say that the most important treasure here has been taken first, and you and I do it for others." I'm a loser after marrying clothes, but I still have the ability to turn things around, and you didn't enjoy this last time... I advise you to not touch the Sifang Emperor's Seal, otherwise you will release the Five Elements Desolate Killing Army, You and me, including all your deployments, will be reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye"

   After saying that, the originally weak person whose strength was restrained suddenly turned into a streamer and shot into the gate and disappeared.

  Liu Hongxiu stood alone in the empty hall, only the Five Elements Desolate Army accompanied him

   "Do you have to explain to me why he suddenly died?"


  A female voice is quiet and cold, which makes people feel chills.

   Immediately, the jade pendant on Liu Hongxiu's waist turned into a human form.

  Empress Di Jiu appeared just like that, with her hands behind her back, wearing a purple robe, and said indifferently: "What kind of identity are you using to ask me to explain to you?"

  Liu Hongxiu lowered her eyes and lowered her head slightly: "Of course it's your most powerful assistant right now..."

   "Then, I have to tell you that he is indeed not the real Prince Tiandu, but that doesn't mean he isn't..."

"What's the meaning?"

   Recently, the update is either interrupted or double updated. Let’s add an update tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
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