MTL - A Queen-Chapter 1600 The coldest mother and daughter!

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  Chapter 1600 The coldest mother and daughter!

  Dai Li smiled, "That's yours, you can handle it yourself, it's best to make it as big as possible..."

   "It is convenient for you to take the opportunity to save people and leave?"


   "I'll try my best." Liu Hongxiu smiled, and that smile became more sinister and sinister.

  Dai Li never liked this person, so he just nodded and left

  Liu Hongxiu looked at the hole, took a deep breath, and walked down.

  To the east of the Prince's Court is the attic, the most important part of the entire imperial palace.

The dark army has a lot of defense, but it is not difficult to evade Daili. After a while, she has arrived outside the attic on the model map Tiandu Zihan gave him. She knows that this is where Mo Ran and Tiandu Zihan have been living. The place.


  Dai Li stood in front, did not go in, but frowned at the film in front of him.

   "Tiandujue is already at the Tiandou level, this barrier is very tricky...I have to analyze its composition, and then blend in." Dai Li sighed, looked around, and his body slowed down.

   To enter this barrier, there are only three ways, one, break it! Two, crack it, three blend into it, let it accept you!

  The first type requires half-step strength, the second is time-consuming, and the third is the most time-saving, but also the most demanding.

  Dai Li chose the third option. She analyzed the mysterious and regular composition of the film, and then simulated..

  After a quarter of an hour, her body was completely covered by a layer of film. Touching on the barrier melted into the

  Pfft! Dai Li entered the interior.

  Slipped into the house with a little step..

  There is no breath in this room..

no one? Dai Li frowned, looking left and right to find...

  Suddenly, she felt someone talking, "Are you looking for me?"

   turn your head away

The woman standing on the nine-step staircase, with her arms around her chest, was wearing a thin gray silk gown. The fabric was soft and flowing. The cold wind blowing in from the suspended platform at the back outlined her tall and thin figure. Hair fluttering

  Like the bright moon,

  Dai Li paused for a moment, and just had one thought - this is my old lady?

  One woman to one woman, one up and one down, looking at each other for a long time

  Dai Li seemed to see complex and constantly changing emotions from her eyes, and finally fell silent.

"You've grown up"

   she said, the voice was ethereal.

  Dai Li took a deep breath, and couldn't help but want to make a fist against his fingers. "You've grown up. You're beautiful, just like me~"

  Uh, is this what I should tell my mother? After Dai Li finished speaking, he wanted to slap himself.

   Mo Ran smiled lowly, leaning against the wall, but soon stopped smiling and said, "You don't blame me?"

   Without waiting for Daili to answer, he said to himself: "Yes, you are not like me at all, not as bad as me"

  Mo Ran has always felt that she is a very bad woman, and being bad can make people hate her teeth, because she is so ruthless.

   Even Mo Shaoxuan cannot deny this.

  Dai Chui sighed inwardly, this old lady has been fighting with Tian Dujue for so many years, and hates her former lover so much, I am afraid that her temperament is not normal

   "Well, you are very bad." Daili nodded, " you have to stand there and talk to me?"

  It’s so far away..

  Mo Ran looked at her, and said lightly: "You can come here, of course you have your strengths, but it's not that he doesn't know you are powerful and you can come, it's because he calculated that you can't get out"

  Dai Li turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that the barrier outside had changed, the figure of a man was looming in the nine layers of barriers.


   "It's him." Mo Ran was a little tired and closed his eyes, "He said he would bring you to me.. just a few days later, you came here"

  Okay, Dai Li touched his nose: "Absolutely can't get out?"

   "Unless you have Qiankun level strength." Mo Ran looked at her and said, "Come on, you can't get out now either."

  Can't get out now.. This mother seems to know her very well.

  Are you sure she can go out later?

  Dai Li stepped up the stairs and went upstairs. The second floor is very empty. There are many shelves and many books on the big platform. There is still a book on the small round table. It seems that Mo Ran was reading just now.

  Dai Li looked at her walking ahead, and had to say that a person's character can be seen from a person's standing and walking postures.

   Mo Ran is quite strong.

   is also rather ethereal.

  A very peculiar temperament, a very strange woman.

  PS: If a woman has no strangeness at all, she has no charm at all.

   This is the truth recognized by Dai Li, so she is sure that her mother is the one who has the charm to turn all living beings upside down and bring trouble to the two emperors..

  Oh, why Mao suddenly felt very honored~

  Dai Li pursed his lips and followed Mo Hou, somewhat cautiously..

   Mo Ran turned around, "Sit down, what do you want to drink?"

  Uh. Dai Li wondered if this would be the coldest mother-daughter meeting in the world?


"It seems that you are not very thirsty, so stop drinking." Mo Ran sat casually opposite Dai Li, looked at her, and said, "Are you wondering how can there be such an indifferent mother? It stands to reason that you traveled all the way If you come to save me in danger, I have to be a little excited if not moved..."

"But you may not be unmoved at all, otherwise I came to you with such a face, but you recognized me at a glance, which is enough to prove that you and I are a proper mother-daughter relationship in blood, just like when I saw you I know this woman is my mother"

  Dai Li Lang Lang said, Mo Ran felt a little relieved, and then laughed: "You really look like me."

"I'm not like you when it comes to pretentiousness. I've always been straightforward with people. Love is love, hate is hate. I'm not like you.. Hypocritical!" Dai Li crossed his legs, holding Mulan's face and said that the city of the sky is almost supreme and even the sky. Jue is also the hypocritical Mo Ran who is shorter in front of her.

  In this world, no one has ever said it.

   "Pretentious?" Mo Ran was not angry at all, but thoughtful instead; "Ye Ranqiu once said that I was too stubborn and she treated you very well, and you will treat her very well in the future."

   "Aren't you coming with me?"

   "Can you save me? I know Tiandujue very well. He can let you in, but he can't get you out. Even if you can go out, you can't take me out. You see, I am a useless person now"

  Mo Ran didn't breathe at all, because Dai Li's eyes fell on her wrist.

  A slender and flexible metal snake hangs on the snow-white skin

   "God Devouring Spirit Stone? Living body?"

   "Well, it's the essence inside. The living soul marrow formed from the beginning of the universe to the present, as long as you touch it, you will lose all your power, even if you are Zhang Yuan."

   "Eh, you know that I am Zhang Yuan, that's why you are so indifferent to me? You feel that I am not your biological daughter, and you have a grudge in your heart, and then"

  Dai Li's words made Mo Ran's face suddenly slightly depressed, "Is your focus always so strange?"

  Dai Li snorted softly: "Answer my question"

   "It doesn't matter to me who you were in your previous life. Anyway, you crawled out of my stomach."

  Paused, Mo Ran's eyes shimmered, "Not to mention Emperor Zhang Yuan reincarnated as my woman...hehe~"

  Dai Li saw a kind of complacency on this man's face.

  Damn it, are the people of the Mohist family all sullen?

   "You don't seem to worry about being locked up here at all," Dai Li was puzzled.

   "Worry is useful? If I had been worrying a lot, I would have died in front of your father crying and dying of anger, and I would have saved myself from confinement." Mo Ran sneered.

   Well, Dai Li thinks this is the real Mo Ran, sharp, indifferent, and sharp!

   Prison Mausoleum may not have a bright future.

   "Now let's get back to the topic." Dai Li said seriously, and Mo Ran leaned on the chair with a calm expression: "You say"

   "Why are you so cold to me?"


  Is this daughter's brain made of wheels?

   Turning around is only one center, right?

  Mo Ran couldn't laugh or cry, "Ye Ranqiu must have been calling you to save me."

   "Yes, she really wants you to get out of trouble." Dai Li intends to use emotion to reason...emotional offensive!

   "Of course I thought about it, I probably gave you to me earlier..." Mo Ran said with some disgust..

  Dai Li was stunned for a while before he heard the meaning of these words..

   Nima! Dai Li really wanted to leave the table.

  It's fine for an adoptive mother to be so black-bellied, but this real mother is also so vicious!

   It is so difficult to find a good wife, kind mother, and understanding mother!

   "Then let me ask you again, do you want to come with me?"

  Dai Li glared at her angrily, and Mo Ran also looked at her..

  After a while, Queen Mo said, "Why do I have the feeling that you want to elope with me?"

  Especially when my daughter looks like a man

  Department: "."

  I am now learning Chen Xiang to save my mother! Can you be serious!

   In just one breath, both of them laughed.

  After laughing, Dai Li said, "Are you preparing something secretly?"

  Mo Ran nodded: "I do have things to do, just like you have a direction to work hard... A Li, can I call you that?"

  She also has such anxious moments.

  Dai Li pursed his lips, "You don't need anyone's consent to call me anything, this is your due right"

  After you gave birth to me and tried your best to save me, no amount of indifference will hurt.

   What's more, Dai Li saw forbearance from her.

  Forbearance that has been suppressed for many years.

   "I don't know when you can leave here, but before you leave, you can treat me as Ye Ranqiu...and I can also learn to be a mother, what do you think?"

  Mo Ran's proposal was so abrupt that Dai Li was caught off guard for a while, but...

"this is a good idea"

  Dai Li nodded and readily agreed, "So now we are mother and daughter?"

  Mo Ran also nodded, and put his palm on the book on the table, covering the words on it—On how to be a successful mother.

  She gets up.

   "As a mother, the most important thing I should learn now is to give my daughter a hug, will you?"

  Dai Li took a deep breath and nodded.

   Then Mo Ran hugged her.

  At that moment, the tears that she wanted to shed from the corners of her eyes were forced back.

  She is Mo Ran, and she will never cry again in this life.

   She swore...

  (end of this chapter)