MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 9

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Wu Xiaoyin looked around and found that the people around him, even the thinnest man, were over 1.8 meters, and the tallest was 2.2 meters by visual inspection. Therefore, Wu Xiaoyin suspected that he had traveled to a giant country, or even a plant, um... that is A green onion? It's almost more than 1 meter. Secondly, this place is obviously a valley surrounded by high mountains, forming a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the foot of the mountain are densely packed caves. As a place for people to rest, Wu Xiaoyin wondered if he had traveled to a primitive world. There are people wrapped in animal skins all around! The most important thing is, looking around, all of them are men, all of them, this is the key point, which shows that Wu Xiaoyin has traveled to a kingdom of primitive male giants!

what! No, I still remember holding my big tiger now, that's right, there was a scene of turning into a living person in front of me, which showed that I had traveled to a kingdom of primitive male orc giants!

In this way, Wu Xiaoyin was hugged and walked around his cave by Lei Lu schemingly. Lei Lu, who showed his ownership, should not be in a good mood!

But Wu Xiaoyin is in a state of confusion at this time, and his IQ is already 0. Even if he was hugged and turned around, he had already sold himself without knowing it. Just like that, he was carried back foolishly and placed on the giant rabbit skin. Lei Lu saw that the little female couldn't turn the corner after seeing the environment just now, and knew that the living environment of the little female must have been much better than it is now, just like the female Wu Xiaonuo who came to the Beastman Continent before, otherwise the female Wu Xiaonuo would not Will have such miraculous medical skills. Therefore, Lei Lu was a little worried that the little female could not accept the current environment.

However, the inability to communicate smoothly now troubled Lei Lu again. Therefore, Lei Lu could only accompany the little female silently, hoping that the little female could calm down. Because the female Wu Xiaonuo stayed in the giant wolf tribe until she died, so Lei Lu knew that since the beast **** gave him the female, he would not take it away easily. As long as you work hard to let the little female live happily and happily.

Wu Xiaoyin has been stuck in her own thinking and cannot extricate herself, until the sky gradually darkened and Wu Xiaoyin could not see the surrounding things clearly, Wu Xiaoyin realized that even in such a completely strange world, the surrounding things are not the same The previous environment was repetitive. However, there is nothing to be nostalgic about in the previous world. Even if you are afraid, hesitant, and hesitant about the strangeness of this world, maybe this world will produce fetters and reasons for your existence, maybe!

However, when Wu Xiaoyin was deeply nostalgic for the world, he wished that he hadn't said this sentence. This damned lewd tiger dragged him to bed and gave birth to a baby all day long. Wu Xiaoyin wished he could slap himself to death.

In this long afternoon, no, it's night now, Wu Xiaoyin spoke the first sentence, which was the sound of "Gu~~~" from his stomach. Lei Lu, who stayed by the side without moving, heard the sound of the little female's stomach, and knew that the little female was hungry, so he immediately lit a fire to grill the meat, and his movements were fast and smooth.

Finally, Wu Xiaoyin ate the second meal of the day, barbecue... Wu Xiaoyin thought silently, the barbecue is so delicious that you can’t eat it all at once. I don’t know what other things people here eat. The most important thing is to improve the food. !