MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 158

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The group returned to the home of Wu Xiaoyin, Lei Lu and the three little ones, and the smell of food was already wafting from the room. The five little ones ran towards the dining table screaming, and the three little ones climbed up the stool and arrived smoothly. He was still thinking about jumping on the table, but was stopped by Lei Lu's eyes. You must know that your little one is clean, and your cubs can't be sloppy. Just take it away!

Cora turned into a human form, obediently stayed by Leilu's side, and sat down with Leilu, poor and youngest Pupu, who has the strong foodie genes of his father and father, and of course, the blue is better than the blue, and he is running on the road of foodie Gone forever. The specific manifestation is that it is still standing on two hind legs, with its front legs holding on to its father's knees, it is considered a reluctant cub, and it is still trying to find the source of the fragrance. Disgusted, he threw Pu Pu to Cos.

So, a lunch ended in the binge eating of the five little ones.

After drinking and eating, Wu Xiaoyin thought that since this year's exchange day event will also be held in the tribe, because of what happened to Xiao Kai last year, no one was in the mood to participate in the exchange day event, even if it was at the door of the house , and still turn a blind eye.

However, this year is different. Everyone is in good health, in good health, in good spirits, and full of energy. Wu Xiaoyin wanted to make wine. There are many kinds of wine that have been brewed one after another before, and they are enough to drink for a long time Yes, but Wu Xiaoyin only wants to make a large batch of one kind of wine this year. As this year's exchange day event, the most important item for his own trade is not one of them.

When choosing which wine to choose, Wu Xiaoyin had a difficult time. Sometimes there are too many choices and there is no choice! Taking advantage of the presence of adults and children, Wu Xiaoyin wanted to hear everyone's opinions, "Since everyone is full, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Kai burped, then yawned again, and said lazily, "Xiao Xiao, why do you want me to help? As long as you tell me, I will definitely help."

Wu Xiaoyin said with some amusement: "It's nothing serious, don't act generous, I just want to ask you, what kind of wine do you like most?"

Ever since Wu Xiaoyin started brewing wine, he has not kept anything private at all. There are others who have kept secrets. One or two bottles of each wine will be presented to friends and family members, especially the alcoholic father and patriarch, as well as priests with medical value. .

As soon as Xiao Kai heard this, he became interested, and said without thinking: "Any kind of wine is delicious, as long as it is brewed by you, it is delicious."

Kos on the side also nodded in agreement.

Wu Xiaoyin turned to look at Lei Lu behind him again, Lei Lu only cared about his little paws, and echoed, "As long as it's brewed by you, it tastes good."

Wu Xiaoyin looked discouraged at the five little ones who looked at her in a daze, and asked without hope: "Keola, Lei Dian'er, Wu You, Lei Huo'er, Pu Pu, which wine do you think I brew is delicious?" ?”

Both Ke La and the three little ones have tried fruit wine that can be used as fruit juice. Compared with flower wine with higher alcohol content and stronger alcohol content, fruit wine can sometimes be tasted by children.

Cora was the first to speak: "Little Uncle, I think orange wine is the best, sweet and sour."

Lei Dianer: "Aww!" (I think strawberry wine is delicious, and the aroma of strawberries can be smelled from far away!)

Cora translated: "Little uncle, Lei also thinks orange wine is the best drink."

Lei retorted a little impatiently: "Awwhhh!" (Did you listen to me carefully, I said that my favorite is strawberry wine!)

Cora explained: "Little Uncle, you can see how excited Lei is, and you can tell how much he likes orange wine."

Lei snorted a little, pointed his **** at Cora angrily, moved slowly to my father's feet, bit my father's shoe to vent his anger, and asked my father not to translate for me, hum!

Wu You said at this time: "Aww!" (Daddy, daddy, my favorite is lychee wine, it's sweet, I like it so much!)

Cora came on stage again: "Little Uncle, Wu You also said that he likes orange wine the most! Don't you think so, Wu You?"

Wu You threw himself on Ke La angrily, making him dare to tell nonsense? !

In the end, Lei Huo'er lost the interpreter and spokesperson, so he could only keep howling pitifully at Wu Xiaoyin, but Wu Xiaoyin couldn't understand the animal language at all, and looked at the other three. I couldn't stop laughing, and I knew that what Cora said just now that Lei Dianer and Wu You liked orange wine should not be true, but since the other three little ones couldn't open their mouths to express their favorite wine, Pupu was too young, so he just ignored it. In the end it was Cora's favorite orange wine that won.

Oranges can only be picked during the harvest season. Wu Xiaoyin thought that he had to prepare first, otherwise it might be too late. Therefore, during the whole growing season and hot season, the most important thing for Wu Xiaoyin was to focus on brewing orange wine.

Of course, the unscrupulous father finally told Wu Xiaoyin, which kind of wine the three little ones really like most, the strawberry wine that Lei Dian'er likes, the lychee wine that Wu You likes, and the peach wine that Lei Huo'er likes, During the growing season, Wu Xiaoyin brewed some more to satisfy the children's wishes.

Oh! And our lovely Pu Pu, who likes to drink plum wine, Wu Xiaoyin also prepared a lot.

The harvest season has finally arrived in Wu Xiaoyin's anticipation!

Read The Duke's Passion