MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 144

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Luo put down his little hand, looked at the four people whose faces were full of worry, and said, "It's nothing serious, the cub in the belly is fine, but Xiaoxiao may have a bad breath just now, and he can't get up at one breath. I just twitched as if reacting. However, Xiaoxiao’s health is not good, and the energy of the cub is maintained by what he eats, so you must pay attention to let Xiaoxiao Eat more, maintain your physical strength, the cub's energy is enough, and when it is not enough, it will draw energy from Xiaoxiao's body, and this situation has already begun, which is very dangerous for Xiaoxiao, and there will be no Enough physical strength to give birth to cubs, understand?"

After hearing this, Lei Lu nodded heavily, and held Xiao Xiao tightly in his arms. Both Xiao Kai and Kos listened to the priest's words with solemn faces, knowing that the matter of Ketan beast had a great impact on Xiao Xiao's body. The big one, otherwise why the little body has not improved for several months, and because of raising cubs, the body burden is heavier than the usual pregnant woman...

Wu Xiaoyin reluctantly said to Uncle Luo: "Uncle Luo, I understand. I will definitely eat well and rest well. I have also done this during this time, but why hasn't my health improved?"

Luo sighed and said, "Xiao Xiao, you should think about not improving your health, but trying to maintain your current physical condition, and don't lose weight anymore, you understand?"

Hearing this, Xiao Kai hurriedly asked: "Uncle Luo, can such a small body hold up?"

Luo looked at Lei Lu who was looking at him eagerly, and Xiao Xiao who lowered his head and patted his belly, and said: "If Xiao Xiao can keep awake for one morning in the next time, the problem will not be It's very big, so, Lei Lu, you must take good care of it, you know?"

Lei Lu replied hoarsely: "I know."

"Okay, it's okay, let's eat quickly, so as not to starve Xiaoxiao and the cub in his belly." Luo said with his nose twitching from time to time.

When Wu Xiaoyin heard Uncle Luo's words, he knew that the current situation should not be as serious as what Uncle Luo said, but he and Lei Lu paid more attention, so he said to Lei Lu in a relaxed manner: "Lei Lu Lu, I'm hungry, and so is the baby, is the stew ready?"

As soon as Lei Lu heard the little words, he immediately returned: "It's all cooked, I'll bring it out and we can eat."

Then the dinner table was cleared up, and after everything was served on the table, everyone started. During the period, the sound of Xiao Kai and Kos eating, filled Wu Xiaoyin with a sense of warmth and satisfaction in life.

Because of the priest's diagnosis this time, father and father were also alarmed. Now Adiexi visits Xiaoxiao and Leilu from time to time, and Bin and Feng also specially come to see Xiaoxiao's situation. It is absolutely not allowed to go out in the cold season, so I can only scratch and scratch with my paws, wishing to dig a hole out of the door and get out to see the ice and snow outside. When uncle uncle and little uncle uncle had a baby in their womb, little Kela watched her father and father leave with tears in her eyes, guarding the door alone and whining, how pitiful!

The cold season passed slowly under the meticulous care of Lei Lu. When the growing season came, Wu Xiaoyin's stomach was already 5 months old, and it seemed to be the size of a cantaloupe on the earth. When the pregnant woman on the Internet was so old, the words of Bin and Xiaokai shattered Wu Xiaoyin's little happiness.

Xiao Kai pulled Bin, followed by the beast-shaped Ke La into Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu's bedroom, and waited for Lei Lu to wash up Xiao Xiao, then sat down on the edge of the bed carefully, and said, "Xiao Xiao, Today, let's go out and see the new tribe build stone houses, it's just north of the front of the tribe, and Uncle Hen called everyone to help out if they are free, I was wondering if you want to go out for a walk too?"

Xiaokai's words moved Wu Xiaoyin's heart very much. You must know that I haven't stepped out of the door for a long time, and I really miss the color of the sky outside, the thickness of the earth, and the smell of flowers and plants.

So, Wu Xiaoyin glanced at Lei Lu, as if he had no intention of objecting, he said, "Okay, let's go see how they are doing, but this is just the beginning, so many new tribesmen still have a lot to do." Woolen cloth!"

Just like that, Wu Xiaoyin was hugged by Lei Lu, and Ke La ran wildly ahead, heading towards the gate of the tribe. During the chat along the way, Wu Xiaoyin said with some emotion: "I said that the days pass by so quickly. The grass on the ground has turned green, and the baby in my stomach is 5 months old!"

Bin looked at the little belly, thoughtful, and then said with some doubts: "Xiaoxiao, your belly seems to be growing too fast? Even a female cub is not so big at 5 months old, right? "

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xiao Kai uncertainly, Xiao Kai scratched his head and said, "It seems that my uncle only had such a big belly when my uncle was pregnant with my brother for 8 months? Otherwise, the belly is too big Yes, it will be very hard when the time comes."

Lei Lu stroked Xiao Xiao's belly with one hand, thinking that he would take Xiao Xiao to find the priest later. Before I thought about it, Xiao Kai's loud voice disrupted my thoughts.

Xiaokai yelled, "Kos, are you blind?!"

Read The Duke's Passion