MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 139

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It turned out that the meat of the Ketan beast was ground into powder, and then smeared on the hands, and then rubbed on myself, no wonder I didn't smell the smell at first, when the water slowly evaporated, it was too late to smell it again .

However, at this moment, Lei Lu didn't go to Xiaoxiao at the first time, but ran to the tribe where the sacrifice was made. As a female, Luo had a strong temper. Unable to live in peace, his temper became even worse, so when he was woken up by Lei Lu for the second time this night, Luo's face could no longer be described as ugly.

As soon as he opened the tent, Luo, who was startled again by such a mass of black sticks in front of him, said in a vicious voice, "You better have something serious, otherwise, you will feel better then!"

Lei Lu gasped out the rough air in his body, took a deep breath of the relatively humid and cold air in the forest at night, calmed down the fire inside and said, "Sacrifice, after smelling the powder of Ketan beast, is there anything to relieve it?" Methods?"

Hearing the voice, the priest knew it was Lei Lu, and hearing the trembling in Lei Lu's voice, he pulled Lei Lu's hand to check his pulse, and knew that he had inhaled Ketan beast powder into his body. He shook his head and said, "No What other way is there?"

Lei Lu swallowed hard, and said, "But Xiaoxiao is not yet an adult, so I can't touch him. Can I soak in a pool not far away overnight?"

The priest looked at you crazy, and said: "This will only get worse and worse, and your body will burn out. You should ask Xiaoxiao. In fact, Xiaoxiao's body is almost finalized now. This is the body. No one knows what the situation will be like at that time, so you must stay rational, you know?"

The priest said earnestly, but looking at Lei Lu who was still stuck at his door, he knew that this kid was worried about his small body, so he could only repeat: "Don't worry too much, I think the beast **** will also Forgive me, you two will be paired up at this year's Harvest Festival, now go find Xiaoxiao."

After finishing speaking, the priest pushed Lei Lu towards Lei Lu and Wu Xiaoyin's tent, the priest woke up Xiao Xiao who was still immersed in sleep, and said the matter again, Wu Xiaoyin calmed down, and replied: "I will dead?"

Lei Lu hugged Xiao Xiao, and murmured stupidly: "No, no, I won't touch you, Xiao Xiao, I will wait for you to grow up."

The priest carefully said: "This... will not be life-threatening, but you are still underage after all, even if it is not bad for a year, your body will still be affected, even worse than the one who just came to us. Time is not as good, little, you..."

But Wu Xiaoyin let out a sigh of relief, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Oh, it's good that there is no life-threatening danger. You must know that I cherish my life very much."

When the priest heard the little answer, he knew what it meant. He sighed and walked towards the patriarch's tent. This matter must be dealt with seriously. This time, this female named Lian can't be easily let go. up.

The whole tent became quiet, except for Lei Lu's heavy breathing, Lei Lu coughed dryly twice, and said, "Xiao Xiao, do you really want to?"

Wu Xiaoyin laughed at Lei Lu's nervousness, and he wasn't being hypocritical, but this guy became embarrassed, "You still don't know my answer? Are you still an orc if you're so fussy?"

Lei Lu was shocked by the little words, and asked himself if he was still a beastman, didn't that just mean asking himself if he could do it, so Lei Lu used his actual actions to tell Xiao Xiao whether he could do it or not.

Sentimentality collides with nature, murmur blends with gale, forbearance and release intertwine.

Wu Xiaoyin felt that her senses were infinitely magnified, the sound of Lei Lu's heavy breathing beside her, the sound of the bonfire burning outside, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, and the sound of water droplets falling on petals. It doesn't exist anymore, and I feel that my soul is light.

However, the reality told Wu Xiaoyin that what she had subconsciously before was all nonsense, she was hot all over, her body was mottled, and with her burned skin, her head seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

When Wu Xiaoyin woke up, it was already the beginning of the first day of the trading day, and Lei Lu kept watch every step of the way, for fear that something would happen to Xiao Xiao, his eyes were all red, his beard was unshaven, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

Seeing Lei Lu's pitiful look, Wu Xiaoyin chewed all the swear words and swallowed them back into his stomach, comforting the poor Lei Lu: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Lei Lu's tears flowed down his face, he slapped himself directly on the face with two slaps, gently hugged Xiao Xiao, and kept saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Read The Duke's Passion