MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 124

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Xin held Peng Meihua in his hand and was carried back to the tribe by Feng. Seeing Feng's figure walking away, Xin looked at Le angrily and asked: "The method you said is useless. Lei Lu saw that I was hurt. He didn't even look me in the eye."

Le looked at Xin who was venting his anger on himself, and replied gently: "Isn't it because we just interrupted their hunting? You must know that males are more **** in the hunting process, and beasts have the upper hand. Don't you know that? Is it?"

"However, Lei Lu didn't even look at me. I've liked him for so many years, but in the end I was fascinated by that little girl. I don't know what method I used to make Lei Lu not even look at other females. "Xin said a little angrily.

Le patted Xin on the shoulder reassuringly, and said with some bewilderment: "You still have a chance, you must know that the little female is still three harvest festivals away from becoming an adult, and Lei Lu and Xiaoxiao only have three harvest festivals before the third harvest festival." Possibly a pair…”

Stared at by Xin, Le quickly swallowed the words, and transferred to: "So you still have more than two years, there is always a chance to let Lei Lu see your goodness."

Xin said with some uncertainty: "Really? I tried my best to attract Lei Lu's attention, but Lei Lu didn't see me at all."

Le said with some embarrassment: "This is not impossible, as long as there is no such thing as Xiaoxiao, wouldn't Lei Lu be able to see you?"

"Do you really think I'm stupid? Although I'm a little impulsive, I'm not completely without IQ, okay, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Said.

Le was a little flustered, but he didn't lose his footing. He breathed calmly and said, "Why do I have any purpose? I'm thinking about it for you. It's not good for me, right?"

Xin looked at Le, whose expression changed slightly, and said, "I wasn't sure before, why did you make me attract Leilu's attention? Logically speaking, I like Leilu, and I mainly attack Leilu. Xiaoxiao, it's useless if Lei Lu doesn't like me, so I hate Xiaoxiao, so I won't lose my temper if I'm petty, but what are you thinking, wanting to use me to get rid of Xiaoxiao?"

Le never expected that Xin, who was spoiled by his father and father on weekdays, would be able to see through his thoughts. After taking a deep breath, "What are you talking about? What mess? I don't have any plans. I and them are totally different. If there is no conflict of interest, since you won't listen, then I have nothing to say."

After speaking, Le strode towards his own direction.

Xin squinted his eyes and watched Le go away, and took a sip, "Don't think I don't know what you think, and I don't hide things that don't belong to me, really!"

The days were spent under the scorching sun, and the corn was finally found by Leilu when it was ripe, but the location of the distribution was a bit awkward, just in the middle of the giant tiger tribe and the giant lion tribe.

Originally, the two tribes regarded this grassland as a no-nonsense area, but now that there is a food that can be used as a staple food, of course they have to sit down and negotiate, and Datta of the Giant Lion Tribe and Lei Lu of the Giant Tiger Tribe are mutually exclusive. Familiar, therefore, peacefully and kindly divided the found corn equally, and everyone was happy!

Just as everyone was busy packing up the long-term storage foods such as giant rice, giant cabbage, giant potatoes, giant sweet potatoes, giant radishes, and giant watermelons during the harvest season, and they were delighted that this year's harvest season was not affected like last year At that time, the Juhu Tribe ushered in the Harvest Festival and Exchange Day.

On this year's exchange day, under the offensive of Wu Xiaoyin's shameless coquettishness, Lei Lu slowly carried his own little one to the center of the mainland following the pace of the patriarch.

When Wu Xiaoyin, who had been on the "roller coaster" for three days, turned his gaze to the valley not far away, he found that there were already different kinds of orcs in the valley, including lions, leopards, wolves, bears, snakes, and foxes, okay? Everything except the tiger!

When Wu Xiaoyin was hugged and settled down by Lei Lu, two groups of acquaintances ushered in. Datta came with his male Walker, and Datta clattered out the clues he found when he came here, "I Seeing that there must be something we don’t know about the giant snake tribe and the giant fox tribe this time, do you know that Ken from the giant snake tribe and Lin from the giant fox tribe killed the previous patriarch of their own tribe and became the new generation of patriarchs. "

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the high-spirited Lin and Ken in the distance, and asked, "Datta, how do you know that they killed their patriarch?"

Lei Lu narrowed his eyes, took a breath and said, "It's the smell on them that has changed."

Wu Xiaoyin was even more puzzled, his eyes were lost, "What? Why can't I understand?"

Datta calmly explained: "That's because the **** smell on them has changed. There was **** smell on the orcs before, but it was the **** smell of the prey. But now, if you smell them carefully, you can smell the blood on the orcs. blood."

Wu Xiaoyin was a little surprised and said: "Then how can they appear here properly?"

Read The Duke's Passion