MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 108

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The harvest season came sooner than Wu Xiaoyin imagined. It seemed that once the rain stopped, the fruits on the trees and the wild vegetables in the field became fresh and plump. Marvel at the ripe fruits and wild vegetables that are still tenacious!

After resting, the orcs of the Giant Tiger Tribe started another round of hunting in the second month of the harvest season, preparing for the coming colder season. However, I don’t know if it is an abnormality in the hot season , many mutant white tigers similar to Bengal tigers that can only be seen in the tropics are called the prey of giant white beasts here.

When Wu Xiaoyin watched Lei Lu gobbling up the giant white beast, he thought silently: Isn't there a feeling of cannibalism? In particular, some orcs in the tribe have white animal shapes. Except for their size, Wu Xiaoyin can't see any specific differences. Therefore, when Lei Lu is feasting, Wu Xiaoyin can only comfort himself that this is a non-existent beast. To protect the world of animals, of course, Wu Xiaoyin finally tasted the meat of the giant white beast happily, saying that he couldn't bite it┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

The meat quality of the giant white beast is relatively chewy. This is the meat quality that Wu Xiaoyin has not tasted since he came to the Beastman Continent for more than a year. He couldn't help but wonder if it is possible to make some beef jerky that can be stored for a long time, and at the same time Food that doesn't need to be processed again, especially if it will get better or worse after this cold season.

Wu Xiaoyin thought of this and brought up this matter with Lei Lu, "Lei Lu, I figured out that we can make more processed jerky meat. If it is an emergency or the conditions are poor, we can eat it directly without cooking it. What do you think of the steps of cooking or otherwise processing food?"

Lei Lu naturally thought that everything in his little novel was good, so he didn't have any objection, "Of course it's fine, can any animal meat be fine?"

Wu Xiaoyin nodded, "I don't have any big requirements for animal meat. It's just for chewy animal meat. If the female and cubs don't eat it, the orcs won't hunt, just like the giant white beast this time. , if it wasn't one of the nutritious foods, you wouldn't hunt, would you?"

Lei Lu nodded as a matter of course, "Of course, I always use small animals that you can easily chew as the hunting standard, but if you say so, I can expand the scope appropriately, after all, the orcs' demand for animal meat is so large. Big, I don’t know if this cold season will be more difficult, although our family’s animal meat can last for a long time, but there is always nothing wrong with making more preparations.”

After hearing Lei Lu's words, Wu Xiaoyin thought that most of the time it was the males who accommodated the females, which can be seen from all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation. However, if the females and cubs were excluded, the hunting range of the orcs would be reduced. It will expand a lot, and the requirements for meat quality such as animal meat jerky, fried meat, and stewed meat are relatively low, and the taste of strong seasoning will cover up some lack of meat quality.

"You might as well tell Uncle Kun'a that when you go hunting next time, it's good to catch some prey that you males think is good, but because of the general females and cubs. I thought of several ways to make these beast meat, After making them into fried meat or stewed meat, it is more in line with the taste of males, and if there is really no prey, females and cubs can still use these to gain a chance to survive."

After hearing this, Lei Lu swallowed the food in his mouth, saw that Xiao Xiao had put down his chopsticks a long time ago, carried Xiao Xiao back to the bedroom, and after putting Xiao Xiao in place, he said, "I'll go and tell the patriarch, It is important to know that males usually catch fewer types of prey, but after expanding the range, they can catch a lot more prey, especially if they have not hunted all year round."

Although Wu Xiaoyin is quite used to the current situation where he can't even put one foot on the ground, but can he really grow more flesh if he lies on the bed when he's full? Wu Xiaoyin, who had been lying down for almost a month, expressed a little doubt.

"Go quickly. When the time comes, I will first tell Xiaokai and Bin how to make jerky, fried meat and stewed meat. The whole Juhu tribe can be more protected." I don't know, and finally lost consciousness, and went to the Menghui with Duke Zhou.

Lei Lu looked at Xiao Xiaoxie's blushing face, and gently stroked his little face, feeling that the task of this cold season was really heavy. He weighed his little body just now, but there was still no change. Why is it so difficult to feed fat?

After reading it for a while like an idiot, Lei Lu went out to the patriarch's house, and told the patriarch the content of the little novel intact, and waited until the patriarch and the called father discussed the time for the next big hunting , I hurried home quickly, the current little physical condition is really hard to rest assured!