MTL - A Good Protagonist Bends When He Says-Chapter 65 Zhanshan is king [four]

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With the powerful medicine that has been expedited in the past few days, Yu Shisan ran at full speed late at night and touched the opponent's logistics troops. In winter, the river is full of ice, no bridge is needed Can cross over to fight. The devil can launch a raid directly through this layer of ice, but he can't start the tank. The weight is enough to crush the ice layer. When bombing with a helicopter, he is very careful, for fear of destroying the ice layer. On weekdays, water is also drawn from wells, but there are a large number of people. Those who can enjoy the well water are all high-rises. Ordinary soldiers dig a piece of snow and drink it when it melts. Yu Shisan found that he couldn't take care of everyone's water, so he first added a lot of medicine to the well, and poured the rest into the salt.

The dozens of kilograms of medicine she made were unreserved, and they were all poured out overnight. Then she touched the arsenal. Speaking of which, the mustard seed space, which she had not used much, actually played an unpredictable role in this world. All the guns and gunpowder could be taken away. Thinking of this, she suddenly reacted. She should have taken the food along with the medicine before... It would be possible to win without a fight, but unfortunately it is too late to go back. The weapons were stored separately. Yu Shisan went into the cellars one by one, and the soldiers standing at the door didn't even see her shadow.

Gunpowder, ignite a long lead in the cellar, and after she leaves here, the food here can be blasted to the sky in an instant...

If it wasn't for the officers' quarters being guarded by too many people, she even wanted to bury some gunpowder there and send those people to the sky.

A little spark of rapid burning is particularly striking, and it will soon ignite on a large pile of gunpowder next to it. "Ah!" A devil wanted to cut out something to cut off the lead, but now he was going to cook with nothing, and the other devil was clever Some rushed forward to step on the lead, and the lead, like a naughty child, slipped away from his stomped foot and ignited the gunpowder mercilessly.

They only heard a loud roar, and then they were torn apart in shock and fire. Bai Xue reflected the firelight, firefighters came and went, the whole camp was in chaos, and all kinds of screeching and screeching... Most of the teams in this era were not carefully trained, and they usually couldn't see it.

When Yu Shisan hurried back, everyone was looking for her, covered in snow, "I couldn't sleep and went outside in the middle of the night."

"The wind and snow are so strong, it's terribly cold outside, and if you can't sleep, you can just walk around the house!"

"Hurry up and bring a bowl of **** soup...I can't take good care of myself when I'm so big..."

Several daughters-in-law and aunties who were in charge of logistics were chatting. They came out to clean up and found Yu Shisan first. An elder sister was a little afraid and finally came over and wiped the snow on Yu Shisan’s coat neatly. , put her hands on her chest, touched Yu Shisan's hands, and found that it was not as cold as she had imagined, so she felt relieved. "You trainees can't help but pay attention even if they are in good health, especially you, a good girl, if you get sick, we won't be distressed to death..."

Her husband is a soldier under Yu Shisan, and he usually talks about Yu Shisan as a god. She is also in awe of this girl just like her husband, and she has seen Yu Shisan from a distance before. Several times, after close encounters today, I found out that the person who wants to guard this piece of land is not very old, with a slender body and a thin layer of calluses on his palms. It's not much better than her, who has been doing rough work all the year round... and Yu Shisan has no relatives to take care of him. The clothes he wears are all made by the women in their stockade. Thinking of this, his heart suddenly becomes sour... At night, he will cut a piece of leather for him. She makes a pair of gloves, the style is not foreign, just warm and tight.

"Sister, I'm in good health!" Really, I just came back from stealing something from the devil, and I was running around all night, sweating out. Yu Shisan smiled, talked to her again, drank the **** soup, and went back to work.

I had a full meal, sat in front of my desk and looked at the document, my head kept nodding and nodding. Fate, who was dozing off to sleep, turned his face to the table, and his breathing gradually became inaudible.

Lu Pingchuan knocked lightly when he entered the door, but no one answered. Usually, that person would give a light umm, or say "come in". Maybe it was too much snow outside and he didn't hear it. He walked in lightly, only to find that Yu Shisan had fallen asleep.

When she fell asleep, her eyebrows and eyes were delicate and soft. A girl who was at the best of her age had such a heavy burden on her shoulders and carried the hopes of all people in the north and even all over the country. She's still just a girl... About the same age as himself, Lu Pingchuan's heart suddenly softened, and he took off his heavy coat and put it gently on Yu Shisan's back. Maybe it was because he was too tired last night, or because Lu Pingchuan had no malice at all, and Yu Shisan, who had always been very alert, was still asleep.

So many people in the north are willing to follow Yu Shisan not only because she is big now, but there were so many people in the small Wulong Village back then, and so many literati who had high self-esteem were willing to stay Doing things for her here... It's all because of herself... Seeing her busy, focused expression when planning, her calm voice speaking passionate words during the meeting, those sharp luminous eyes... After looking at her, I feel that Beidi There will be a bright future, there will be a strong future, and people will have a peaceful future. Because she is so determined that there will be a new era, she firmly believes that there will be victory, and the suffering will pass. No one wants to follow her. It is like a beautiful bubble made up. Those who do not believe are willing to take a second look. When you really touch , and will find that it is not very difficult to do it... So I am willing to devote myself to her completely and contribute my greatest value to the common hope of all.

Lu Pingchuan had a lot of thoughts. He didn't know how long he thought about it. He heard a few crisp sounds, and then saw two beautiful fingers tap randomly on the table in front of him, "I've been waiting for a long time, sorry, Accidentally fell asleep."

"It's alright, the commander takes good care of yourself and rests."

"Okay, I see, what's the matter?"

"This is the raid plan made before, do you know what else needs to be improved?" Lu Pingchuan took out the drawings prepared in advance to explain the layout of the war and preparations for the war. Although you will win, killing a thousand enemies will also injure yourself eight hundred.