MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 316 go back home

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   Chapter 316 Back to Hometown

  The address of the factory building was directly chosen by Song Baozhu in Longjing.

   Taking advantage of the cheap land price now, taking a few more pieces of land and occupying the space, I'm simply sorry for her dreams!

After the    address was chosen, Song Baozhu recruited another group of people to be in charge of the cosmetics factory and the company.

   She can't be busy by herself, so many things are naturally left to professional people.

   She just needs to see the big picture.

   After this matter is properly arranged, the Chinese New Year is approaching.

  Before the Chinese New Year, Song Baozhu went to the M pot again. After healing some people, he returned to the country with Shen Xuan.

   They spent the New Year in Longjing and flew back to their hometown by plane.

   I was too busy before, they haven't come back for several years, Song Dagang plans to come back here for the New Year this year.

   After all, he is also getting old. If he doesn't come back, I don't know how many times he can see Song Dayong again in the future.

   There are also neighbors and old friends from our hometown. We haven't seen them for many years. Song Dagang and Zhou Dani miss them a lot.

   So the family decided to come back this year after discussion.

   Not only Song Dagang and Zhou Dani are coming back, but Song Shengnan and Song Junsheng, as well as Song Baozhu and Shen Xuan, everyone is coming back.

  The house in my hometown is always looked after, so people can live at any time.

   Back in the village, Song Baozhu and Shen Xuan looked at the familiar and unfamiliar house with mixed feelings.

  Song Baozhu walked around in his yard, and looked at each room, and couldn't help sighing: "This house hasn't been built for a long time. If I knew earlier, it would be better not to build it."

   Shen Xuan couldn't help laughing when she saw her appearance.

   But remembering the hard work of building a house, he couldn't help but grab Song Baozhu's hand and sighed softly, "It was really hard for you back then."

   He still remembered that in order to build this house, Song Baozhu went to the mountains to kill a big wild boar, and he carried it back alone, and then used the wild boar to exchange the homestead with the village cadres.

   At that time, it was still busy with farming, everyone was short of oil and water, and they were very greedy for meat.

  Song Baozhu watched the big wild boar come down the mountain. When the villagers saw it, their eyes turned green.

   If she hadn't directly exchanged the wild boar for the homestead and gave the wild boar to the team, those villagers would have been able to pounce on the wild boar and devoured it.

   "Mom, is this our house?" Shen Dabao followed Song Baozhu's buttocks and looked around curiously.

   This old country house is naturally not as good as their courtyard house in Longjing, but the children are simple-minded, and they don’t have so many vanity thoughts these days, so the three children are not only curious but curious, and they don’t mean to dislike it.

  Song Baozhu reached out and touched her daughter Bai Nennen's little face, and found that her little face was cold, probably from the cold wind, so she quickly pulled the child into the room.

   Then he looked at the cold room and prepared to light the stove for them.

   However, this house has not been lived in for several years. Although some people helped to watch it, no one dared to live in it. Now that they have just returned, where is the charcoal used for ignition?

  Song Baozhu was about to go out to look for it, when he saw Song Xihua walking over with something in a hurry.

   Taking a closer look, he was actually carrying a large bundle of firewood!

  Song Baozhu went up to meet her curiously and wanted to help, but Song Xihua ducked: "It's fine with us, don't get your clothes dirty."

   He said, and walked in with the firewood on his back.

  Song Baozhu followed curiously, and asked as he walked, "Where did you get so much firewood?"

   "I found someone to buy it." Song Xihua said of course, "Sister, you have lived in the city for a long time, and you have forgotten how you lived in the countryside, right?"

  Song Baozhu glared at him angrily: "Are you itchy?"

  Song Xihua was so frightened that he quickly shut up.

  Although he has grown into a tall and handsome young man, with a height of about 1.8 meters, he is no longer the skinny bean sprout he used to be.

   But in front of Song Baozhu, the eldest sister, he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

   Don't look at the fact that his eldest sister has given birth to three children, and she has become more and more beautiful, like a female star.

   But over the years, his eldest sister's strength has not only improved, but has also grown!

   He doubted that if his eldest sister slapped her, would she be able to slap a person's head out!

   Fortunately, they usually do business and don't need the big sister to do it, otherwise they would have to scare people to death!

  Song Xihua put down the firewood honestly, and swiftly helped the pot to boil water.

  Shen Xuan took the stove to the next door neighbor's house, asked someone to borrow some red-hot charcoal, and put it in the fire.

   Neighbors saw that he was well-dressed and his attitude was very enthusiastic, and he was no longer the look he used to avoid him.

   is just too curious, and has been pestering Shen Xuan to inquire about their family's business.

   Shen Xuan was polite for a while before returning home with the stove.

  At home, Shen Dabao, Shen Erbao and Shen Sanbao couldn't wait any longer, so they had to go out to play.

  Song Baozhu just wanted to see the current situation in the village, so he decided to wait for Shen Xuan to come back, and they would go out together.

  Who knew that Shen Xuan had been gone for half an hour, the water had boiled, and he had not come back.

  Shen Xuan had just entered the yard with the stove when he heard Shen Erbao ask, "Mom, why hasn't Dad come back yet? Was he taken away by a tigress?"

   When Shen Xuan heard this, his face darkened.

   then shouted: "I'm back!"

   Shen Erbao and Shen Sanbao immediately became excited when they heard it.

   Shen Erbao's eyes were shining: "Wow, Dad, you are finally back!"

  Shen Sanbao rushed directly in front of Shen Xuan, raised his head and looked at him curiously: "Dad, have you met a tigress? Why did you come back now?"

  Shen Xuan rubbed his head, a little helpless: "Don't talk nonsense, how can there be a tigress? Who taught you this?"

   After he finished speaking, he glanced at Song Baozhu and was a little concerned: Could it be that Song Baozhu is jealous? Worried about him meeting a tigress?

  Song Baozhu looked at him speechlessly: "What are you thinking about? It was Uncle Baogen who fooled them into saying that there was a tigress in their hometown, and that's what they said."

   "Did he say that?" Thinking of Li Baogen's suit and woolen coat, he was still hanging around, and was suddenly speechless.

   I have to say that Li Baogen is quite trendy.

   After he went to Longjing, he liked to dress himself up.

   I wear shirts and trousers in summer, and suits in autumn. In winter, I learn how to look in movies, wearing a woolen coat outside, a shirt with a sweater inside, or a suit vest.

  The hair is smeared with hairspray and polished leather shoes.

   Anyway, how the bag comes.

  The problem is, this person is not only sassy, ​​but also likes to talk nonsense in front of children.

   Shen Xuan felt itchy when he thought of this.

   That Li Baogen is so rambunctious, how can he say these things to his children?

  If he keeps talking nonsense like this, there will be no trouble in the family in the future?

   (end of this chapter)

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