MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 314 stay abroad

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   Chapter 314 Staying Abroad

   With Li Xiaolan's personal demonstration, the business of the beauty salon has become better.

   Especially pregnancy creams and scar removal creams are even more popular.

   Even though the marks on Li Xiaolan's body are still there, everyone doesn't care.

   Not only the old customers of the beauty salon said they want to buy these two, but even those who have never been to the beauty salon, after hearing about this, went to the beauty salon to ask.

   Yang Jie, the store manager, looked at the hot orders and was both excited and worried, for fear that the products would not be sold enough.

   So she couldn't wait to call Song Baozhu every day to ask about the product.

  Song Baozhu was relatively calm. She had already ordered a batch of small glass bottles and put the prepared pregnancy cream and scar removal cream in it.

  In order to improve the quality of the products and make them look taller at first sight, the glass bottles ordered by Song Baozhu were all ordered from abroad by Shen Xuan for help.

   As a result, the cost of these glass bottles alone is not low.

   But there is no way, she also wants to order from domestic glass factories, but the glass bottles produced by those glass factories are too rough to meet her requirements.

   However, ordering from abroad is obviously not enough.

  Song Baozhu decided to set up a glass factory by herself and imported production equipment from abroad to produce the bottles she wanted.

   Anyway, she has decided that she will make skin care products and cosmetics in the future, and she will also make her own brand.

   More glass bottles will be needed then.

   If you keep ordering from abroad, the cost is too high.

   However, it is not easy to build such a glass factory.

   There are many large and small glass factories in China, and some factories can’t make it, so they can buy them with money.

   At that time, the people in the factory are all skilled workers. As long as we have better equipment and technology, I believe that we will soon be able to overcome the difficulties and produce the glass bottles she wants.

   But to buy a glass factory, you need a lot of money.

  Introducing production equipment and technology requires a lot of money.

  It is definitely not enough to rely on the income of beauty salons today.

  Although the domestic economy has been opened up, the overall economic level is not good, and the wages of Chinese people are also very low.

   Naturally, spending power is not much higher.

   If her beauty salon charges too high, not many people are willing to go in and spend, so compared to foreign countries, the charges inside are really too low.

   If Song Baozhu wants to make money, he still has to think about treating diseases and saving people.

   Especially the rich foreigners.

  Those people are really rich. After giving them acupuncture once, she can earn thousands of M yuan, which is almost the income of domestic workers for several years.

   If such charges are spread out, I am afraid it will not make people crazy.

  Song Baozhu shook his head helplessly, and got on the plane to M country again.

   In order to earn more money, she will fly to M country once a month.

   Fortunately, although it is hard work, it also earns a lot.

   If things go on like this, I believe that she will be able to earn money to set up a glass factory before long.

   As for the cosmetic factory she wants, she can only wait.

  Song Baozhu was making money happily. After two months, she finally made enough money to buy a small glass factory that was about to close down. She also bought advanced production equipment and technology from abroad and opened the glass factory.

  Unfortunately, the workers in the factory are not proficient with new equipment and new technologies, so they have to get used to it for a while.

   Sure enough, the new equipment is very easy to use. The workers only spent a month, and the glass bottles produced are much stronger than the original ones.

   I'm sure it won't be long before they can produce the glass bottle she wants.

  Song Baozhu raised her mouth in satisfaction.

   What made her even more satisfied was that Shen Xuan also graduated.

   However, he will not return to China for the time being. He has found a job in a foreign construction company and plans to study there for a while before coming back.

   In recent years, all aspects of foreign countries have developed very well.

  The experience of those foreign companies is also worth learning at home.

   Shen Xuan stayed there to work because he wanted to learn from each other's experience. After returning to China, he can open his own construction company.

  These, he has told Song Baozhu.

  Song Baozhu goes there every month, so although the couple can't be together all the time, it's not difficult, because they can get along for a while every month.

  So after knowing that Shen Xuan had to work abroad for a while before returning, Song Baozhu was a little disappointed, but not too sad.

   It’s not impossible to see it anyway.

   But Li Xiaolan was a little worried after hearing that Shen Xuan was going to work abroad.

When    was with Song Baozhu, he couldn't help but ask: "Baozhu, your family Shen Xuan just stayed abroad to work, so you're not worried at all?"

   She looked at Song Baozhu's expression and felt a little nervous.

  To say these words today, she also mustered up the courage for several days.

   She didn't dare to say it at first, she hesitated for a long time, thinking that she couldn't watch Song Baozhu suffer, so she said it.

   "Are you afraid that he will mess around outside?" Song Baozhu didn't feel angry when she looked at her nervous look, but thought Li Xiaolan's current appearance was a bit funny.

   "I..." Li Xiaolan became even more nervous, "Song Baozhu, don't get me wrong, I'm not telling lies, I'm just worried."

   Having said this, she couldn't help sighing, "Look at Duan Aihua, what an honest man he used to be, but the result is not... Really, I get angry when I talk about him!"

  Song Baozhu raised her eyebrows, wanting to say that Shen Xuan was different from Duan Aihua, but she held back.

   Li Xiaolan and Duan Aihua got into such a quarrel, didn't she stab Li Xiaolan in the heart when she said this?

   is also the same as showing off.

   Really unnecessary.

   Anyway, she knows how good Shen Xuan is.

   There is no need to say it, making Li Xiaolan uncomfortable.

   So she asked casually: "Well, how are you and him? You know, I'm very busy every day, and I can't take care of you.

  I didn’t hear you before, it’s rare to get together today, just say what you want to say, don’t hold everything in your heart, and you will be hurt by the time. You made yourself sick and angry, and didn't you end up cheapening others? "

   When Li Xiaolan heard her say that, she suddenly became worried: "That, can you really hold back the injury?"

  Song Baozhu nodded: "Of course, otherwise, how did those liver diseases and heart disease come about? If you are in a bad mood and keep holding on, it will definitely affect your body."

  Li Xiaolan became even more worried when she heard this.

   She is still young, but she doesn't want to make herself sick!

   So she decided not to hold back, and complained directly to Song Baozhu: "You don't know, Baozhu, Duan Aihua is really mad at me!

   I said before that I would come to Longjing to find me, but it has been a few months, and he has not even a shadow. What do you think he is thinking?

   He just doesn't care about me, why don't they even care about Jiajia? Jiajia and the others are his own sons! "

  Song Baozhu was surprised to hear that, there is such a thing?

   (end of this chapter)