MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 291 A coldness enveloped her

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   Chapter 291 A coldness enveloped her

  Song Baozhu didn't say that he dreamed that Li Xiaolan had an accident. After all, saying this would only offend people, and secondly, after the incident happened, it would also arouse suspicion from the other party.

   She only mentioned some precautions during the labor period, let Li Baogen pay attention, and don't let Li Xiaolan fall, or bend over to take things.

  It is best to go to the hospital for labor right now, so as not to be in a hurry, and it is easy to get into trouble.

   In the dream, Li Xiaolan accidentally fell while bending over to pick up something, and she gave birth prematurely.

   She lives in the country, far from the county hospital, and it is a cold day, and the road is very tossing.

   As a result of premature birth and dystocia, she was tossed a lot, and as a result, when she was the weakest, she was taken advantage of by the time-travelling woman, who snatched her home and replaced her core.

   Although Li Baogen is a jerk, he is a girl who loves his daughter.

   He listened to Song Baozhu's flickering and talked about the benefits of being hospitalized for childbirth, and he quickly listened to it.

   Thinking that Duan Aihua's allowance is in Li Xiaolan's hands anyway, and he has saved a lot, and it won't cost much for a few days in hospital.

   So decisively agreed.

After    hung up the phone, he ran home immediately, arguing that Li Xiaolan should be sent to the hospital for delivery.

   His daughter-in-law, Lin Yueying, was still a little hesitant after hearing this: "There is still half a month before the labor period. Is it too early to go to the hospital? It will cost a lot of money to stay for half a month."

   Li Baogen glared at her: "Why early? The labor period is not allowed. In this winter, what should I do if my daughter is about to give birth suddenly?

  Baozhu is a medical student, and she said it was good, so there must be nothing wrong with it. We are not short of this money, let the daughter be admitted to the hospital earlier, and suffer less when she is born. "

  Lin Yueying thought so too, so she didn't object.

   As soon as I told Li Xiaolan, Li Xiaolan agreed.

   She couldn't explain why, but she was always in a panic these days, as if something were going to happen.

   She originally wanted to call Song Baozhu and ask, but her belly was too big and the weather was cold, so it was really inconvenient to go out to make a phone call with a big belly.

   She was worried that Song Baozhu would find her annoying, so she didn't fight.

  Who knew that Song Baozhu thought about her so much, and even called to remind her.

  Li Xiaolan couldn't help but feel very happy, and felt that she and Song Baozhu were also good friends. Song Baozhu is now not only a college student, but also a city dweller. It's great that she doesn't dislike her country friend.

   The family quickly packed up and prepared to send Li Xiaolan to the hospital.

  Li Xiaolan thought about Song Baozhu's well-being, so she found the medicine that Song Baozhu had sent, and put it in her bag.

   In winter, she wears a fat padded jacket, and the bag of the padded jacket is also made larger.

   Not only are there two large square pockets at the waist, but there are also inner pockets inside the clothes.

   She put the medicine in the big pocket, because the box containing the medicine was a bit big, and the inner pocket could not fit it.

  Li Baogen borrowed a tractor, wrapped Li Xiaolan in a quilt, and sent her to the county hospital.

   County Hospital heard that she was about to give birth and wanted to be hospitalized. Seeing that her belly was really big, she asked about her labor date, but she did not refuse.

   At this time, there are not many people willing to be hospitalized, mainly because they are reluctant to pay, so the beds in the hospital are not tight.

   After Li Xiaolan was hospitalized, Lin Yueying stayed with her.

   She was lying on the hospital bed, thinking that her due date was half a month away, she had to stay in the hospital for so long, and she had to spend money every day.

   But touching the medicine in his pocket, Li Xiaolan sighed inwardly again.

   That's all, since Song Baozhu said it, spend more money.

  People reminded her specially for her good, she can't help but appreciate it.

   Treat it as a friend!

  Li Xiaolan felt a lot better when she thought so.

   She and her parents thought it would take at least ten days before she could have a baby. Who knew that in the afternoon, when she went to the toilet, she met a child who ran wild in the hospital corridor.

   Lin Yueying was also there at the time, so she quickly grabbed Li Xiaolan and prevented the child from hitting her.

   But Li Xiaolan was so frightened that her stomach hurt on the spot, and then the amniotic fluid broke.

  She is already very experienced. After feeling the heat below, she grabbed Lin Yueying and said, "Mom, I'm going to give birth!"

   Lin Yueying was so scared that her face turned pale, and she hurriedly shouted for the doctor and nurse.

  The doctors and nurses rushed over quickly and sent her to the delivery room after seeing Li Xiaolan's condition.

   As a result, Li Xiaolan had a dystocia and was in pain for several hours, but the child could not be born.

   After the doctor's preliminary diagnosis, it is suspected that Li Xiaolan's food is too good and the child is too old, so it is not easy to give birth.

   In addition, Li Xiaolan was frightened, and this was the situation of dystocia.

  The doctor decided to give her a caesarean section.

After    asked what Li Xiaolan and her parents-in-law meant, Li Xiaolan was quickly sent to the operating room.

   Before entering, she secretly took the life-saving medicine given by Song Baozhu.

   Outside the operating room, everyone was anxiously waiting.

   Li Baogen didn't know about it at first. At that time, they all thought that their daughter would not give birth for the time being, so after sending the mother and daughter to the hospital, he left first.

   After all, there are still a lot of things to deal with, and it is impossible for him to stay with him in the hospital all the time.

   Even if you want to guard, you will come back at night.

   Who knew that something happened to Li Xiaolan in the afternoon.

  After her daughter was sent to the delivery room, Lin Yueying hurriedly called Li Baogen and the Duan family.

   After receiving the call, the people on both sides hurried to the hospital.

   Knowing that Li Xiaolan was frightened to give birth prematurely, Li Baogen regretted it very much, and kept saying, "If I had known, I would not have sent her to the hospital."

  Lin Yueying is also regretful.

   However, when they learned that the child was too big and Li Xiaolan had a difficult delivery, the couple began to rejoice again.

   Fortunately, he was in the hospital, otherwise it would be even more troublesome to rush to the hospital when Li Xiaolan had a seizure!

   And the doctor also said that in Li Xiaolan's situation, even if she is not frightened, she will give birth prematurely recently.

  Because the child is developing too well, he must come out early.

  As a result, they sent Li Xiaolan to the hospital ahead of time, which was a good thing.

   First, there is no need to toss on the way, and secondly, there are many doctors and nurses in the hospital, and they can help them immediately if there is a problem.

   Their caesarean section went well and the baby was born soon.

   However, Li Xiaolan was not feeling well.

  Although she used anesthesia, when her stomach was opened, she suddenly felt cold all over.

   As if this mass of cold air enveloped her body, making her colder and colder.

   Moreover, that coldness kept digging into her body, as if to squeeze her out.

  Li Xiaolan didn't know what it was, but was instinctively scared.

   She kept shouting in her heart: Get out! Get out of here! do not come!

   At this moment, a warm current rushed out of her stomach and flowed into her limbs, helping her to dispel the coldness.

  Li Xiaolan glared at her eyes, her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, which looked very scary.

   Finally, the coldness was completely dissipated, and it seemed that he had left.

   (end of this chapter)

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