MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 273 couple reunion

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   Chapter 273 Husband and wife reunion

  Song Baozhu took some time and finally made several life-saving pills, sealed it with wax, put it in a bottle and sent it to Li Xiaolan.

   was sent together, as well as the letter she wrote to Li Xiaolan.

   It mentioned some things that pregnant women need to pay attention to, as well as first aid knowledge, and how to use the pills.

   Li Xiaolan called Song Baozhu immediately after receiving the package.

   She was very puzzled: "Song Baozhu, why are you sending me these things all of a sudden? I'm pregnant with a baby now, so I can't take medicine casually."

  Song Baozhu said lightly: "It's for your life, you are the third child, pay attention to yourself, don't mess around."

  Li Xiaolan was very moved. She really did not expect that Song Baozhu would care about her so much, and even gave her life-saving pills.

   But Song Baozhu's worries are obviously unnecessary. She is raising a baby at her mother's house now, and she doesn't go out except for the maternity check. What danger can she have?

  She has given birth to two babies safely, and the third one has been paying attention to the obstetric examination. The doctors said that she is very well.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Li Xiaolan said casually, and asked Song Baozhu, "By the way, when are you coming back? You won't stay there forever, will you? I haven't seen you for a long time. You, I miss you."

  Song Baozhu had no interest in going back, so he said perfunctorily: "I'll talk about it later. There are too many classes every day. It takes several days to go back by train, which is very troublesome."

   Since she gave birth to the baby, she has even saved the time to visit her grandpa during the Chinese New Year.

  Because of the cold weather and the small child, it is really inappropriate to bring it back.

   Children are weak and easy to get sick.

   Therefore, during the Chinese New Year, they all send the New Year's goods directly, and then call the grandfather to say New Year's greetings.

   Now that the child is older, he can go back.

  But Shen Xuan went abroad. During the holidays, she will definitely take her children to go abroad to see Shen Xuan. How can she have time to go back to her hometown?

  I wanted to come to the house, and no one else had time to go back.

  Although they don’t have to go to school, they have just started their business, and they can’t let go. They definitely won’t leave the business and go back.

   As for the eldest grandfather... you can fool him to come over.

   He is old, and he has no intention of doing business. He is very bored at home all day long. If he comes to Longjing, she can help the old man to take care of his body.

  Song Baozhu's thoughts turned sharply, and he soon had an idea.

   But there is no need to tell Li Xiaolan about these things.

   So she told Li Xiaolan again, and after making sure Li Xiaolan remembered it, she hung up the phone.


   Soon it was summer vacation, and Song Baozhu's application was approved, so she could take her child to visit Shen Xuan in country M.

  Mother-in-law Shen Lanyin and her younger brother Song Xihua were worried that she would go there alone, so they said they wanted to go with her and went out to study at that time.

   So Shen Lanyin's clothing business was temporarily handed over to Grandma Shen to take care of her.

   Over the years, Song Baozhu has also been helping Grandma Shen with acupuncture and moxibustion. With the effect of the spring water, Grandma Shen has almost recovered. As long as she is not greatly stimulated, she is no different from a normal person.

   Not only that, she is also a strong woman, very good at doing business.

   So Shen Lanyin handed over the clothing business to her, no need to worry at all.

  They were leaving, and the others were very reluctant, but for various reasons, they did not follow.

   If so many people go together, it is easy for people to suspect that they are trying to run away, and the application is not easy to pass.

   Song Xihua is 16 years old and has grown into a tall, thin and handsome guy.

   His skin was quite dark originally, but after detoxification, he turned white. Song Xihua was quite reluctant, and often stood under the sun to exercise.

   As a result, the skin was not tanned much, but a beautiful muscle was developed.

   But he is not old and he doesn't eat those messy things, so the muscles he has trained are not exaggerated. When he is wearing clothes, he looks thin and has a very good figure.

  If you are taller, maybe you can become a model.

   Of course, he is not low. At the age of 16, his height has reached 1.8 meters, which is taller than Song Baozhu.

   Standing beside her and Shen Lanyin, he was a standard flower protector.

  As soon as the summer vacation came, Song Baozhu bought a plane ticket to go abroad, and together with Shen Lanyin and Song Xihua, took the child on the plane.

   The three little dolls were very excited when they heard that they were going to see Shen Xuan.

   Fortunately, the three of them were taught very well. They didn't cry or make trouble on the plane. They just looked around curiously with their **** eyes, and the hearts of the passengers around were melted.

   If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't walk around on the plane, they would probably have come over and hugged the child.

   After a long flight, they finally reached their destination.

When    got off the plane, the three listless little dolls came to their senses instantly.

   Shen Xuan was waiting for them at the exit.

  Song Baozhu told him the time in advance, so he counted the time to come and wait.

   As soon as the three children saw him, they jumped up excitedly and kept calling "Dad".

  Song Baozhu hurriedly held Shen Dabao steady, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that she was the one holding her, otherwise how could Shen Lanyin stand up to Shen Dabao's strength?

   Even Song Xihua would probably have to suffer a lot.

   That's right, Shen Dabao inherited her natural power.

  This child is probably raised too well, and her strength is even stronger than when she was a child.

  Song Baozhu didn't even dare to give her a drink of spiritual spring water, for fear that the child was too young and ignorant to control her strength and cause trouble.

   Before Shen Dabao was fine, but now that she met Shen Xuan, she was obviously too excited, and she couldn't control it.

   Fortunately, the person holding her is Song Baozhu. Shen Dabao's strength is quite big for others, but it is nothing to her.

  Otherwise it will be troublesome.

   Just as the children kept shouting, Shen Xuan ran directly over.

   He first looked at Song Baozhu for a long time, then he looked at Shen Lanyin again, and after making sure she was all right, he took over Shen Sanbao in Shen Lanyin's arms.

   "Mom, let me come."

  Shen Lanyin didn't object, she just looked at it with a smile, her appearance was very gentle.

   She was also looking at Shen Xuan, and seeing that he seemed to be thinner than before, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

  Fortunately, Shen Xuan looked good and didn't look sick, so Shen Lanyin was relieved.

   But soon she found out that she was too relieved!

   It's not that there is a problem with Shen Xuan, but Shen Erbao in Song Xihua's arms quit.

   He was sad when he saw Shen Xuan hugging his brother, but not hugging him, looked at Shen Xuan with tears in his eyes, and complained with a sad face: "Dad hates it!"

  Shen Sanbao is different. The little fat man hugged Shen Xuan's neck, looked at his elder brother Shen Erbao proudly in his arms, and raised his fleshy double chin: "Dad loves me the most!"

   Shen Erbao was even more sad when he saw this, he was about to cry when he opened his mouth, and then he received Song Baozhu's love's gaze.

   Shen Erbao, who opened his mouth and wanted to cry: "…"

   (end of this chapter)

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