MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 55 Don't worry about a successful fight.

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The next day Xie Mingtu told Grandpa Jiang of his decision. Grandpa Jiang was not happy, and he felt that he had a successor, but Jiang Leiyan was sour, "Grandpa, I feel uncomfortable when you say that. already."

Grandpa Jiang said coolly, "I said the same thing when you went there."

Grandma Jiang snickered: "He has been succeeded four times."

"Xiaoyan, next time you come back, bring back a granddaughter-in-law for your grandfather, you will be his baby."

Jiang Leiyan: "..." It's numb, it's disgusting to hear, and I still have a baby in my heart.

Xie Mingtu jumped next to him: "Second brother, come on, get a wife early."

Jiang Leiyan felt an arrow in his heart, what should he do, he wanted to fight with his little brother again.

"Xiaotu, my brother wishes you a happy nineteenth birthday soon, but unfortunately my brother is busy with work, so I can't celebrate your birthday for you, let my grandparents congratulate you, our family Xiaotu is finally nineteen years old, It's really not easy, I'm nineteen years old, and I'm only a year away from turning twenty, sigh..." Jiang Leiyan deliberately bit the word "nineteen" very hard, making Xie Mingtu's teeth itch with hatred.

He hates people mentioning his age the most.

He is implying that he has not really married Manman!

Su Xiaoman was holding Grandma Jiang's hand beside him, laughing at their brothers' heart-to-heart.

If the second brother Jiang was leaving soon, the two of them would have really fought each other.

Second brother Jiang has such a temperament, I still don’t know what kind of temperament he will have? I heard that the relationship between the eldest brother and the second child is very good, and the two brothers are very similar. When the time comes, the three brothers will get together...

Three missing one, no need to worry about fighting.

When Su Xiaoman was laughing, he couldn't help thinking in his mind that if Xie Mingtu grew up behind the buttocks of his two brothers in the Jiang family, he would be the three demon kings in the compound.

Parents and mothers are worried about the three of them.

And what will the future child of her and Xie Mingtu be like? I don't know if they will give birth to a daughter or a boy. If a boy inherits this Xie Gouzi, he must be naughty and mischievous...

When she thought of this, Su Xiaoman's face was a little red, she and Xie Mingtu clearly hadn't become a real husband and wife, and there was no skin-to-skin relationship between the two, she even began to fantasize about their children in the future .

This is going too far.

They took Jiang Erge to the train station together.

"When you have time, you should go to see the second brother with your younger brother and sister!"

"Second brother is gone, Xiaotu, now you are the grandfather's favorite baby, and Xiaoman and Xiaoman can accompany grandparents." Second brother Jiang kept exhorting several words in his mouth. After patting Xie Mingtu on the shoulder, he turned around and walked to the waiting room, turning back and waving at the three of them as he walked.

The three of Su Xiaoman also raised their hands and waved.

After sending off the second brother Jiang, he returned to the rest house. Grandpa Jiang began to take his little grandson out for a walk, introducing his new grandson to his former good friends and comrades.

Su Xiaoman stayed at home with Grandma Jiang.

Grandpa Jiang is very scheming. Now he will show off his own grandson first, and after a while, he will show off his grandson-in-law, so that he can get double the happiness.

The happiness of the elderly is so unpretentious.

"You grandfather, you are like a monkey child now. Today, the old Wang's next door told me about him and made him angry enough..." Grandma Jiang took Su Xiaoman at home , smiled and disliked Grandpa Jiang's goods.

Have lived together for decades, and now there is only disgust, especially disgust.

Despite the disgust in her mouth, the smile on her face is sweeter and sweeter.

Su Xiaoman smiled and said, "Grandma, Mingtu really looks like his grandfather."

I don't know how to describe the relationship between Grandpa Jiang and Xie Mingtu. In short, these two grandchildren together are like a nest of snakes and rats. It's just an unpretentious grandparent relationship.

"Like, really like." Grandma Jiang squinted her eyes and recalled the past. When she was young, the old **** was buzzing around her like a flies. When she speaks, she only knows how to do things for her foolishly.

Unlike now, he is not forgiving, and he is not Jiang Ruojun if he does not nag her a few words in front of them.

"Xiaoman, you have to take good care of him, I'm afraid he will become his grandfather when he grows up, open his mouth is not forgiving, people will be annoying to hear, just come when you talk to him gas."

"Grandma, grandpa loves you."

Grandma Jiang couldn't help laughing, "He's angry with me, but grandma will be happy if I say a few words to you, or you kids are lovable."

Grandma Jiang stood up, went to the cabinet to find a small wooden box, opened it in front of Su Xiaoman, there was something wrapped in golden silk soft cloth, it was a green jade bracelet, Grandma Jiang Put this bracelet on Su Xiaoman's wrist.

Su Xiaoman was stunned, "Grandma, you are..."

eight digits.

"For you."

"How can I take it..."

Grandma Jiang glanced at her angrily, "You are the granddaughter-in-law of our Jiang family, of course I have to give it to you. Grandma doesn't have any good things, she always wants to give some meaning."

"Grandma Jiang held her hand and muttered.

"You didn't see his eagerness towards you, his brother said that he was not twenty years old, his eyes were red with anger, he wished to put your daughter-in-law around, grandma would Give me a bracelet, and put your hand around my little grandson, and the two will never leave."

Su Xiaoman's eyes became hot and he nodded, but when he thought of Xie Mingtu, he couldn't help but smile.

"You must marry him and be his daughter-in-law for the rest of your life."

Su Xiaoman nodded, and she held Grandma Jiang's hand instead.

Grandma Jiang's hands are very old, only hard bones are left, and the thin skin is like tree bark wrapping the bones below, but it is very warm.

Su Xiaoman hugged Grandma Jiang in front of her, put her head on her shoulder, and the two kissed each other intimately.

Just like Xie Mingtu likes Grandpa Jiang, she also likes Grandma Jiang very much. Su Xiaoman has always been disgusted with the word grandma since she was a child. She has never experienced the care from grandma.

Now she finally feels it.

"Xiaotu is not easy for this child, we elders are ashamed of him..."

Su Xiaoman shook his head and hugged Grandma Jiang in front of him, "Grandma, Mingtu and I both like you."

"In the future, will you and Xiaotu spend more time with your grandparents?"

Su Xiaoman closed her eyes and said softly, "Okay."

The second child is gone. Before he went to the train station, he didn't go home to take a look. It was Grandma Jiang who called back and Xie Yazhi knew about it.

"He just left?" she murmured.

This second child is real, doesn't he want to stay at home at all?

"Yes." Grandma Jiang hung up without saying a word on the other end of the phone.

In addition to the second child, Xie Yazhi wanted to ask about the child's situation, but Grandma Jiang didn't say anything on the phone.

She heard some rumors, saying that Grandpa Jiang liked that little grandson very much, took him to see many friends, and said that this grandson is the most like herself, and after the New Year, he also sent him to join the army Enlisted, like several of his other grandchildren.

Xie Yazhi's mood is very complicated, the eldest son and the second son are soldiers, they can't go home several times a year, and there are not many opportunities for mother and son to meet. I can't wait to throw them out, and now, it's hard to see them both.

On the phone and in letters.

Now the younger son will be like his two older brothers.

What more could she say? She couldn't say anything, she thought she could keep a son by her side, but Jiang Yantang was not her child at all.

Xie Ya knew that she was exhausted and didn't care what the people next to her said.

Life still has to go on as usual, she also went to the party between sisters and friends, just as a distraction, she had a good time with her on weekdays, there have been so many things in her family recently , and no one deliberately pulled it out to embarrass her.

Where did X go to college and what did he do after graduation...

In the past, at such gatherings, Xie Yazhi could always hear a lot of praise for her children, especially her young son Jiang Yantang, but today, it is estimated that it is for the sake of Without touching her bad head, no one said her own son, nor did they talk about Jiang Yantang.

Speaking of other children.

Xie Yazhi was listening on the sidelines. After listening a few more words, she was suddenly stunned. She suddenly found out that some of the children of these little sisters are very good, not what level they are doing now. Now, even at a young age, he has already made some achievements. One of them just graduated and went to work as a reporter in the province. Everyone who wrote the report was praised...

Listening and listening, Xie Yazhi suddenly recalled that these people used to praise Jiang Yantang as unique in the world, and always praised him in front of her, which made her very comfortable and satisfied.

Is Jiang Yantang really the best one?

No, just now these little sisters talked about children, and there were more people who were better than Jiang Yantang, but these excellent children were rarely in front of Xie Yazhi Showing off and showing off, until today, in order to cover up such an embarrassing scene, it is very modest to talk about his children.

Xie Yazhi's face was not very good-looking.

It was obvious to her that these young people were very good, but a few women shook their heads: "Where, my child is just average."

It's completely different from what they used to say when they praised Jiang Yantang.

"Your banquet hall is the best."

"That is, who in the compound doesn't praise him."

"There will be great achievements in the future! Yazhi, just wait and enjoy!"

But what exactly is he excellent, but he can't say why... I said before that he is very talented, and he will definitely do a lot in the future. Now he is eighteen-nine years old.

What can I do?

Aren't his two brothers excellent? Especially her eldest son, who is carrying out an urgent task now, and when it is successfully completed, it will be adjusted up again. There is also the second child, who is also doing a good job. No one can praise him.

He has become a man of the highest order.

It's no longer the two devil kings who fought and caused trouble when they were young.

She, the mother, still seems to be looking at them with an old eye.

It wasn't until today that she suddenly realized that in front of these little sisters, what she really deserves to brag about is her eldest and second child. In fact, only the two of them can talk to these people The children I talked about just now are on a par.

They are the ones who have actually done something.

If it weren't for her husband, the promising eldest and second child were there to calm down, how many people would be willing to run up to her and hold their stinky feet?

The second child gives me the most headache, if they can have a banquet hall, it will be fine."

There are many words like this outside, and others also praise Jiang Yantang following Xie Yazhi's words. Xie Yazhi heard it, and naturally agrees with it. She feels that the boss and the second cause her brain trouble, only the youngest and the youngest. The smartest.

In fact, if there is no husband and his two brothers, who would really praise him?

How can Jiang Yantang compare to his eldest brother and second brother? His eldest brother and second brother, at his age, have long been…

Xie Yazhi was silent.

At the party, Xie Yazhi didn't say anything, just listened silently, thinking silently about what happened over the years, thinking about raising children for others, and she was very happy.

Can't blame anyone.

Xie Yazhi closed her eyes tiredly.

"Yazhi, when will your child bring us to meet." At the end, someone finally spoke up. It was a little sister who used to play well with her, Sun Aiyuan.

Xie Yazhi paused for a while, her expression as usual, "The child is staying with his grandparents. I'll see you later when I have time."

Seeing Xie Yazhi's expression as usual, several other people finally dared to mention the child, and many people also knew some inside information.

After all, most of them are family members of the military area, and some elders are in the cadre rest center.

"The boy's name is Xiaotu, he is handsome, you haven't seen Grandpa Jiang's proud look, I heard from my dad that he now brings his own grandson to see the old man every day. Comrades-in-arms, I can't wait to tell the whole world that I have a little grandson."

"Really? His grandpa was so happy?"

"No, he also said that this little grandson is most like him."

"I saw it when I went to my mother-in-law's house the other day. The one next to Mr. Jiang is the one next to him. That child is so handsome, he is prettier than his brothers."

"I also chatted with him a few words, and the voice is nice!"

Xie Yazhi, who was quietly listening to their discussion, suddenly became excited, "Have you seen him and talked to him?"

The man was stunned, then nodded, "Yes, I said a few words."

Xie Yazhi's heartbeat was thumping wildly, and there was also a subtle pantothenic acid. She thought that she hadn't said a few more words to the child, "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I just said hello. It didn't take long before I was called away by the head of Jiang. His grandparents liked him."

"Yazhi, you are lucky to have such a good son."

Xie Yazhi forced a smile, "Really?"

Her thoughts came to her mind, and she still remembered the sonorous sentence of the child that day, thank Auntie.

"Yeah, I heard my mother-in-law say that the other day, the old chief brought his grandson to Uncle Wang's house to perform a dictionary performance, but he didn't make Uncle Wang so angry that he couldn't eat, and kept saying, you I didn't believe it back then and said I lied, and now I'll let my grandson memorize it to you."

"Can he memorize the whole dictionary?"

"Really!" When the other women heard this, they were immediately attracted and said in amazement, "This memory is also very good."

"Smart, you can memorize it if you read it twice."

"We are getting older now. If it were me, I would have watched it hundreds of times and I would not be able to remember it."

"That's right, Yazhi, the three children you gave birth to are all outstanding, as expected of your own."

Xie Yazhi just forced a smile on her face. She didn't know how she got back home.

Over the years, she has helped others raise children, and the banquet hall is also a good child, giving her a lot of happy and warm raising time, she does not blame him, but her own child, that A clever boy with a good memory was taken away by that country woman and buried his genius...

No wonder they all blame her.

Xie Yazhi will never forgive the woman who stole her child. It would be great if she could protect her child... Now there are no such things.

, Tomorrow, the West family will come to complain, and every day I will shout about going to my grandfather's house and going to see the plane cannon...

Three children will give her a headache, the only daughter is also a tomboy, shaved short hair and ran into the boys, saying that there are four boys in her family is nothing wrong, hey, **** him The grandfather was playing, and the next door came to complain again. Her daughter took off the pants of the grandson of the old Wang family next door.

"Mom, Mom, the pants are rotten again!"

While thinking about it like this, Xie Yazhi found that something hot was rolling down her cheek.

Husband Jiang Limin came back today, Xie Yazhi was taciturn and did not speak much, but Jiang Limin took the initiative to comfort her.

"Xiaotu's child is doing well with his grandfather. My mother likes Xiaoman's beautiful granddaughter-in-law very much. When she goes out, she must take her granddaughter-in-law with her. Today, the old Zhang family still saw My mother and daughter-in-law went to the market to buy vegetables, and they said that they bought a lot of sauces, dried tangerine peel and star anise, and said that my daughter-in-law is very good at cooking, and my father is very satisfied with her cooking..."

Jiang Limin slowly told his wife what he knew.

Just talking about the daughter-in-law, Jiang Limin was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that several children had grown up by this time. The bachelor still doesn't know when he will be able to see a girl, let alone anything else.

Now a daughter-in-law suddenly popped out, this feeling...

Jiang Limin suddenly realized that he was about to embrace his grandson. Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, the children have grown up, and even the youngest son has become a family.

It's just that his eldest brother, second brother, and third sister are not married yet, so he is the first to get there. Although he is married, unfortunately he has no certificate. This child is not even twenty years old. Masamo's age.

Now the promotion of late marriage and late childbearing has begun, but the young and old in the family cannot keep up with this trend.

Xie Yazhi was very happy to hear it, and wanted to hear him say a little more, but unfortunately Jiang Limin didn't know much, so he explained it clearly in a few words.

"What else do you say about your son and daughter-in-law, they will call you Uncle Jiang."

"You take a vacation and go to your grandparents' house and call them back."

Jiang Limin raised his eyebrows, "How far is the work rest? Why don't you go by yourself?"

"How do you know I haven't been there." Xie Yazhi went to take a peek at the child and called him, but he didn't respond. He was very stubborn and didn't put her mother at all. eyes.

"You will know when you go, he really doesn't want to recognize us, knowing that the child is doing well, we parents should be happy too, our father likes him very much, let him spend more time with his parents ."

Xie Yazhi wondered, don't we parents need children to accompany us? It was her first time as a mother-in-law, and she hadn't even seen her daughter-in-law a few times. She doesn't mind what Su Xiaoman said to her before, but she was just uneasy and didn't know how to get along with these two children.

She is their mother after all.

"It's their two birthdays soon. I called him back for a meal. For so many years, my parents didn't give him a birthday, so I called his grandparents over."

Jiang Limin pursed his lower lip and asked, "Happy birthday to the two of you?"

Xie Yazhi: "…"

"Since you left the boy in the banquet hall, don't hurt his heart."

Xie Yazhi smiled miserably, "It broke my heart, before he pleaded with me to Sun Mei, that woman stole my child, she still treated my child like that, I hate it in my heart Ah, I can't possibly forgive her."

"I took anger at him then."

"He didn't say those words again, but I felt uncomfortable. I wondered if he would resent me for treating his biological mother like this in the future."

"After all, that's his biological mother."

"He speaks less in front of me now."

Jiang Limin closed his eyes, then sighed, things have developed like this, and I don't know how to end, it is a happy ending.