MTL - 2013-Chapter 36 Disagreement

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Chapter 36

Liu Ye lay down for a while, and Meng Ye did not return.

He climbed the bunk lightly, slipping on the side, and almost stunned, and Rie Jie immediately grabbed his ankle.

"I'm going for a walk." Liu Yan calmly: "You haven't slept?"

"You don't have slippers, go out with me." Lai Jie said, then opened his eyes and looked at the upper bed.

Liu Ye got out of the car, Meng Ye stood under the tree, the dark mountains were rolling, and the vast Milky Way ran across them.

Liu Ye said: "It's been a long time, I'm sorry."

Masked expressionlessly, "What did you say to you?"

Liu Ye said, "Let me bring you chocolate and say ..."

Meng said, "Take out the chocolate and you will go back in a few days."

Liu Yan said: "Don't be so strong, just walk and see."

"It's you walking and watching." Meng Yun turned, and he was bare-chested. He was wearing only green underpants all over his body, and his strong bronze skin was strong and warm in the dim light of the starry sky.

Liu Xie raised his hand unconsciously, and Men Xie immediately raised his arm to avoid, and said coldly, "I warn you, don't play hooligan."

"I'm serious." Meng said, "Why are you back here. I can't fight at all here. I will be very scared, afraid of you dying, or afraid of me dying. I do n’t dare to fight desperately, only to shrink back. And fear. This way, the two of us will really die together. "

Liu Yan: "Are you afraid too? It used to be that we would escape from Yuzhen all the way ..."

Meng Yun: "That's different! As long as I used to flee safely, now I'm taking the initiative to fight the zombies! Do you know Lai Jie's former lover? Who is he ..."

Meng said: "There are enemies!"

With Liu Ye behind him, Liu Ye reacted instantly, turned and rushed towards the car, and Meng Ye slowly backed away. At that moment, everyone in the car woke up. Li Yan turned on the light on the transport vehicle, and two powerful lights penetrate In the night, Lai Jie rushed out of the car barefoot, Liu Ye threw three guns, and several people responded and held each one.

The next second, Liu Ye closed the back door of the car and opened all defense facilities.

In less than ten seconds, the battle is ready and the cooperation is perfect. Lai Jie received the shotgun, and Meng Yun was a machine-issued firing gun. He used AK to match the sound.

Lai Jie casually said on the safety plug: "Look, Xiao Yan is very serious and doesn't want to be our burden."

Meng said, "There are enemies in the grass over there."

Lai Jie: "Spread the siege."

Liu Ye's voice came from the loudspeaker: "The infrared display is a person ... not a zombie ... the person in the grass gave me out! Otherwise, the shot was fired! I will give you five seconds! Five! Four!"

The loudspeaker sounded to the maximum, Liu Ye's momentum overwhelmed the audience at once, smelling and singing his gun, he couldn't help smiling.

Rushing in the grass, raising his hands up, crawling out of a person, his face is black, a teenager.

Meng Yun and Wen Qige each took away their guns and went to bed. The teenager was dirty, wearing tattered gray cloth pants, looked like a resident in the mountains, and had a large canvas bag around him.

"I'm a living person, brother." The boy said in a local accent when he said, "Do you have anything to eat?"

Lai Jie took the test strips and examined him and said, "What, what's your name? Where is your refuge?"

He examined the teenager's tongue coating, looked at the blood vessels behind his ears, glanced at the large canvas bag beside him, and asked, "What's inside?"

The boy's expression became very strange, and he immediately said, "Li Gengbao, there is nothing."

Lai Jie opened his canvas bag and glanced at it, which contained two bodies whose heads had been blasted by bullets.

"What are you doing with this thing?" Lai Jie said, "Is your family?"

Li Gengbao just laughed and did not answer. Lai Jie took two cans to him and said, "You sleep here first, and take me to your shelter tomorrow."

"Medium!" Li Geng BMW said.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone looked tired and yawned, but Li Gengbao packed up early and sat by the well. Liu Ye and Li Yan each drove a car and started searching for survivors.

April 30, 2013.

We turned along the rugged road in the mountains, and Li Gengbao explained in words with the Henan accent. They were the earliest, and fled into the mountains when the first wave of zombies broke out. There were tens of thousands of people entering the mountain at the beginning. In the history of Dengfeng, a large-scale plague broke out, and residents of surrounding cities would rely on Songshan to escape.

The temples in the mountains will help the refugees spontaneously, but this time no one can tell what the disease is. The local people think that the evil is invading the evil. The monk in the temple couldn't explain why, so he could only heal by earth.

However, there are too many people. After several outbreaks of the virus in the mountains, zombies wandered into the mountains, causing more villages to be infected in series. Fortunately, it will still snow in the Central Plains in winter. Tens of thousands of people survived after a cold wave.

They were scattered in caves, as well as mountain shelters and temple ruins a century ago. Sending people to inquire about the news, the zombies in the surrounding cities are still raging, and the tide of corpses in the north going south. Those who went out brought back more viruses, and contaminated the entire mountain. Where we don't know, there are nearly 200,000 zombies wandering in the mountains. These zombies are scattered and cannot be eliminated intensively. We drove around in the morning and met hundreds.

Li Gengbao turned over and over again, the language was not well understood, barely understood half. Meng Yun and Lai Jie are scumming, and they are always joking about young rural people ...

Lai Jie sat across from his neck and looked around.

Liu Yan quickly closed the diary and looked at Lai Jie with vigilance.

Lai Jie said innocently: "Meng Yun, he actually scribbled in his diary, saying that we are joking about young rural people. Is there?"

Meng Yan: "To be honest, I just hate Liu Xuan. He always likes to discredit others in his diary ..."

Liu Xun couldn't bear it: "You can stop and stop! I keep a diary for your fork! This is my own thing!"

Lai Jie: "Dear, do you mention me in your diary?"

Meng Yan: "Save it, he said a few words to me, and let you run a dragon suit."

Liu Yan: "..."

"Do you peek at my diary? When?" Liu Yan picked up a small remote control and said coldly.

With an indifferent expression on his face, he hummed the song, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Liu Ye activates the remote control.

In the two cars driving back and forth on the mountain road, the front of the car suddenly flickered with electricity. The whole car crackled, and Lai Jie and Meng Yan in the back compartment were foamed with electricity. Jerking down on the chair.

"A voltage of 20,000 volts, a protective device against attacks inside and outside the car." Liu Yan said: "It is very useful, it will be safe to hide in the car in the future."

Lai Jie's face was cramped and deformed, and he gave Liu Ye a thumb.

In the afternoon of the day, they reached a fork in the mountain, and there was no way to go in front of them. The car could not drive. The shelters of the survivors followed the road pointed by Li Gengbao and had to walk for three hours.

Lai Jie said: "It's too far away. The valley is not conducive to helicopter landing. Wendi, drive the car towards the top of the mountain."

Wen Gege surveyed the surrounding terrain and found a spacious brick-paved platform near the peak. The car stopped at the edge of the platform. Lai Jie let everyone get off and glanced at it. There was a signal tower nearby.

"Choose a stronghold here," said Lai Jie. "Liu Ye, look after the house and wait for us to come back."

The team members divided their guns, wearing a vest, with two rows of ammunition wrapped around their chests, and a super-long one-handed bursting machine gun against their shoulders, quite like a future soldier.

Liu Yan said: "I think you should ask him to call someone who is still alive."

"No," said Lai Jie. "Maybe there is an infection, you see he is still carrying the body."

Liu Yan: "No, I always think it's not safe here."

Lai Jie: "Do you need to stay personally to protect you? If you stay in the car, don't drive the door and there will be no problem."

Liu Yan: "I'm not talking about myself, I'm afraid you are in danger."

Meng said impatiently: "Don't hesitate, listen to the captain!"

Liu Yan: "This mountain is full of zombies! I just tested a new sensor. The mountain is everywhere, I'm afraid there are close to a million!"

Lai Jie said: "Sergeant Liu Ye!"

Liu Ye said nothing, Lai Jie said, "This is an order. I order you to stay here. Other people follow me to perform tasks. It doesn't matter how you make jokes. At the critical moment, you must obey the order, otherwise no matter how talented you are ... ... "

Liu Ye ignored him.

"Look!" Lai Jie was angry, and pushed Liu Xuan to the car with his collar: "Listen clearly! Look at me, look at me! Don't look unconcerned!" He took one My finger poked wildly, and said coldly, "I don't need a mechanic who can't command and listen to the order, otherwise go back, you choose it yourself. Understand?"

"Understand." Liu Yan said.

Lai Jie handed him a flare gun and said, "Everything that happens, even if a zombie climbs up, sends a flare to the sky and turns on the phone. I will send someone back to support you."

"Your sensor can detect so many zombies?" Li Yan asked.

Liu Yan said, "I increased the satellite synchronization signal, and the coverage was much wider, but the accuracy was also greatly reduced. I am not sure if there are so many."

Lai Jie said, "I'll talk about this later, and the units will start."

Meng Yun asked Li Gengbao to lead the way, and everyone went down the winding zigzag trail.

Wen Qige walked to the end, patted Liu Ye's shoulder, and said, "He is not malicious, don't worry."

Liu Ye motioned for nothing, sent them away, and waited in the car.

He put on the headset and said casually: "You are five kilometers from the target position, and the estimated time of arrival is three o'clock in the afternoon." He began to play music in the compartment and assembled the parts.

Meng Yue said, "Liu Ye, don't get out of the car. Did you hear me?"

Liu Ye didn't answer. The headset was quiet. The players put on the communicator for the first time, but they were not used to it. Liu Ye had just been trained, everyone was a little embarrassed, and no one spoke.

"Sound louder." Lai Jie asked, "What song are you listening to?"

Liu Ye took off the earphones and hung it on the side of the stereo. Fresh folk songs sounded. Sun Yanzi's voice was faintly rustling, the sky was gray in the mountains, and the trees were in a cold atmosphere.

"Liu Ye, what are you doing? Say something." Meng Yan's voice came from the headset hanging aside.

Liu Ye replied, "Improving a new type of detector. After last night's incident, I want the camera to detect the approach of human life."

Wen Qige laughed and said, "It really is a robot cat."

Liu Ye said: "This sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple. Just adjust the temperature band upwards and set another range ... it's almost ready for modification."

Wen Qige asked again, "Isn't it boring to face those circuit boards every day."

Meng Yun said, "Hey, his interest is already boring, dear friends, and people are enjoying it."

Two in the afternoon.

Liu Ye assembled a wide-angle camera, got out of the car, looked for a fixed position, and opened the button.

As soon as the camera was turned on, it squeaked, Liu Yanmei turned her head, glanced at the mountaintop platform, and it was empty.

This expansive platform used to be an ancient Fengzentai, standing on the highest point of Songshan, and facing down is a sea of ​​clouds, with boundless views.

broken? Liu Ye stepped forward and opened the box.

"Raise your hand." Someone behind him said coldly: "Turn around and don't move around, otherwise I'll shoot."

Liu Ye slowly raised his hand and turned around. There was a man in front of him, holding a shotgun loaded with bullets.

The mandarin is very standard and does not look like a local, saying, "Give the car keys out and throw them on the ground."

Liu Yandao: "Remote control, no car key, what's your name? Where did you come from? What do you want to do?"

The man said, "Don't bullshit! Where is the remote control?"

Liu Yandao: "There is a workbench in the car, and the remote control next to it, give it to me."

The man said, "Don't play tricks, come here, come here." He pointed Liu Ye with a shotgun and motioned him to the car, turned to the car, held the shotgun in one hand, glanced sideways, and picked up the remote control on the table. Device.

Liu Ye said: "The red button is to start the whole vehicle energy system, and the green button is to open the front door. You must press the red button first, otherwise the alarm will be triggered ..."

Before the words were over, the man pressed the red button and crackled and fell to the car with electric shock and passed out.

Liu Ye walked away expressionlessly, put the lid back in place, got out of the car and took a handcuff from the drawer, handcuffed the man to a crossbar in the car, unscrewed the kettle, and poured water on his head.

The man woke up.

Liu Yan: "What's your name?"

"Who are you!" The man struggled violently. "Let me go!"

Liu Yan: "I don't even know who we are, and dare to come here to rob, it is really bold enough, huh, huh."

The man shouted, "Let me go! Otherwise you will regret it!"

Liu Ye pressed the remote control and stunned the man again. Only the seat in front of the workbench was insulated in the whole car.

Put some more water, and the man woke up again.

"What's your name?" Liu Yan repeated.

Man: "Li ... Li Xinkai."

Liu Yan: "Where do you live?"

Li Xinkai immediately said: "Zombies are here! Go to the valley to save people! Zombies on the southeast are all here!"

Liu Ye immediately went to the workbench and shouted, "Call your team, Meng? Have you heard?"

No one answered in the headset, a mournful whine.

It took a long time for Lai Jie's voice to sound.


Liu Ye said, "I caught someone, and he said that the zombies from the southeast were coming towards the mountain!"

Lai Jie said in a cold tone: "I see, come back immediately."

Lai Jie and Meng Yun and Wen Qige stood on a suspension bridge. The cliff on the other side of the suspension bridge was an abandoned village.

Ten meters below the suspension bridge is a pit-shaped valley. The valley is dark and crowded with nearly a thousand zombies. Li Gengbao crouched down to unfasten the snakeskin bag, and threw down a dead zombie.

Suddenly, the zombies below were louder and scrambled to **** the bodies.

The people on the suspension bridge were all cold, and Li Gengbao usually put away the snakeskin bag and said, "People in the village are all there."

"What's this ..." Lai Jie couldn't believe it. "How long have you been here ... zombies?"

Li Gengbao smiled wryly and said, "What can we do, what can we give them to eat, otherwise we can only go out to the village to find ... hey! Aunt! Someone came to help you!

There were thousands of people in the village, watching Lai Jie and his team with vigilance and caution.

Lai Jie said: "We are the members of the National Search and Rescue Team. How many people are here, call out immediately to concentrate! The country lets me send you to shelter!"

"We need about half an hour," Meng said, "Liu Ye, are there any major problems there?"

Liu Yan opened his eyes wide, looked at the map returned by the satellite, and pressed the zoom key a few times. The zombies in the area of ​​nearly 300 kilometers turned out to be gathering towards their stronghold.

"At the speed of travel, there are about twenty hours left."

"Enough!" Meng Yan said immediately: "Everyone comes to the open space to gather! Don't bring things! Hurry!"

Lai Distinguished Documents, Wen Qige and Li Yan were gun-to-door knocking from door to door. Thousands of people gathered on the entire cliff. Noisy voices, anxious faces, and difficult to communicate language all became the biggest obstacles to retreat.

Above the head is a suspended temple. Lai Jie glanced up, jumped onto the protracted trail, and rang a bell in the middle of the temple.

Carrying an artillery gun, Meng Xuan yelled loudly and urged the residents to set off. Among them, many residents were mixed and hurriedly said something. Meng Yun said: "Is there a steward? Here comes the steward!"

A girl with a shawl said, "Me and I! Are you soldiers?"

Monk: "Great, what's your name?"

The girl said, "My name is Sun Xiaozheng, and I'm a tour guide. How is it going now? Where should I retreat?"

Meng Yun said: "You are responsible for taking people to the top of Songshan Mountain, and then to the top along the mountain road of Taishi Mountain. Our teammates are there to wait for a response, and a helicopter will come to pick you up to the shelter immediately."

Sun Xiaozhen immediately ran to a private house, turned out a guide-only horn, and shouted, "Dear folks and fathers! The army has come to pick us up! Everyone follow them! It will be safe soon!"

She shouted once in Mandarin and local dialect. Wen Gege took the lead to leave from the suspension bridge. Sun Xiaoyu counted the retreating people one by one. Someone squeezed in and asked, "Where is it going?"

"The high seas!" Meng Yue shouted at him in the chaos: "National rescue base."

"I'm going to Shanggang ... Shanggang, you can also send me to Shenzhen ..." The middle-aged man spoke in Putonghua Mandarin: "Sir, here you are! Help me to contact you! I want to return to Shanggang ... … "Said taking off the gold ring and gold necklace and shoved it into Meng's hand.

"Can't go there!" Meng Yue replied loudly, and took the gold necklace and gold ring in her pocket, and tucked it into her pocket: "You must go to the high seas, where is the safest!"

"Hong Kong is gone! It has been razed by a nuclear bomb! Sergeant Mengmeng! What are you doing! I want to report and criticize you!" Lai Jie growled.

Meng Yun was found stealing a chicken and touching his dog, so he had to return the gold necklace to the Hong Kong merchant and shoved him: "Hurry on!"

Unsurprisingly, the survivors began to retreat.

Li Gengbao, who was on the last trip, dragged a scooter, Lai Jie shouted, "What's that! Don't crowd into the crowd!"

Li Gengbao said: "It's grandpa!"

Lai Jie and Meng Yun were standing in front of the scooter unbelievably. The scooter tied an old zombie with a twine. His mouth was full of blood, staring at Lai Jie, his head and neck had begun to rot and his body was covered Holding several sacks.

Meng Yun lifted the sack and glanced at the body of the zombie, and immediately covered it.

"He is no longer human," Lai Jie said, "throw the scooter, Li Yan, come and test him for the virus."

"You ..." Li Yan was about to spit out. Li Gengbao also held the hand of half a child and fed it to his grandpa. He pushed Li Gengbao aside, and the instrument scanned him up and down.

Lai Jie took a gun against the old man's rotten head, and he could not help but say it was a shot.

Li Gengbao cried wildly, causing the fugitives to turn around, smelling the song and immediately firing a shot into the sky, a loud noise.

"Don't watch! Keep going!" Guide Xiaoxiao Sun said loudly: "Don't worry about them!"

Lai Jie lifted the scooter off the cliff and shouted, "You idiots! How many people are there?"

Meng Yan looked deep into the village, speechless for a long time.

There is a fleet of scooters on the mountain road, with many zombies tied to it. There are men and women in the trailer, and there are young and old. Lai Jie turned to the crying teenager and turned: "Find a clear speaker, I Ask questions! "

Sun Xiaozheng was still arranging people to retreat. When he saw Lai Jie killed a zombie, he turned around and ran, shouting, "Don't shoot wildly!"

Meng Yun went on the road behind Houshan, firing one by one along the scooter, and suddenly caused countless people to cry in despair, and even more people rushed to fight with Meng Yun.

"He killed sister-in-law ..." A voice came from a distance.

Meng Yun scolded angrily and broke away with unknown villagers.

Lai Jella stopped and ran by Xiaoxiao Sun: "What's going on? They keep the zombies in the village? Do you know the situation?"

Sun Xiaoyi replied: "These zombies are different from those in the canyon. They don't eat loved ones! Some doctors said some time ago that they were just evil!"

Lai Jie couldn't bear it: "This is an evil fart! They don't understand, and people in your city don't understand?"

Sun Xiaoxun said: "No way, we can't stop the locals at all, we can only move to the mountain behind the temple. You now ... my gosh, all of them are killed? Don't do this!"

Lai Jie said: "Must kill! They catch people every day to feed these zombies?"

Sun Xiaoxun said displeasedly: "No, most of them eat raw meat, chickens, ducks, people ... similar bodies also eat."

Lai Jie immediately drank: "Meng Yun! Leave them alone! All killed!"

Another shot rang, Lai Jie stood still and said, "Can it be cured? Look at that child ..."

Li Gengbao sat on the ground, crying in despair.

Lai Jie: "Evolving so fast?"

"But hungry people will be very irritable. Only by giving them food will they be quiet."

Lai Jie said: "You must kill them all, and you are all carrying viruses. You are so fatal that you haven't been bitten by living with zombies for so long."

"Go! Hurry!" Meng Yan shouted rudely, blocking the person who rushed forward with one hand, and couldn't help but back.

Lai Jie pulled out his shotgun and fired a violent shot at the mountain wall.

People on the mountain road shouted loudly. The rocks were shattered by bead shells and flew around, and then it was quiet.

Lai Jie shouted: "Leave here at once! Whoever doesn't leave will crash him!"

In the evening of the day, all the villagers gathered on the hilltop platform.

Liu Xuan released Li Xinkai, and the name called Li Gengbao cried out at first sight: "Uncle-!" Then he flung into his uncle's arms.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yan said far away: "come over and see."

Meng Yun was beaten with bricks and sticks from the villagers, and many villagers were raving about the ground, and lost their loved ones to come forward and beat them.

Liu Xun couldn't help but smile, but found that Meng Xuan couldn't help but raise his hand, and he did not dare to fight back. Liu Xie yelled, "What's up! Don't do it!"

Meng Yan backed out of the shove, and was almost pushed down the mountain. The scene was chaotic. When Liu Ye saw that the momentum was wrong, he opened the Tesla coil, and suddenly a series of lightnings threw a large row of people to the ground.

The top of the platform was quiet again.

"Liu Ye! What are you doing!" Lai Jie growled. "How can this be done!"

Liu Xie Leng was beaten by Lai Jie with a slap on his head, and his temples were in pain, with a buzz, and his forehead to the corner of his brow was hot red.

Lai Jie said, "Guide Sun, let them all rest on the spot."

Meng Yun was sitting behind the car and smoking, and the people gathered together. Lai Jie said: "Have a meeting, I asked them, people are basically here."

"You just discharged at that moment." Lai Jie's index finger almost reached Liu Yan's throat: "If someone fell down the mountain and died, what would you do? Can you be responsible for human life?"

Liu Ye said: "I accidentally pressed the wrong button, I just want to gather to scare them."

Lai Jie said: "Also quibble!"

Liu Xun was immediately exposed and had to admit wrongly. Lai Jie added: "Remember me in the future! Under no circumstances should you be rough with the people! I control the scene, and it is not time to take action. "

Meng Yue said: "Don't scold Liu Ye, I didn't handle it well."

Lai Jie: "Forget it, it's an extraordinary period, without punishing you, this is the situation now."

Lai Jie made a rough comment about what he saw, and the team members probably knew it, and that was obviously what Liu said.

"What do you think?" Lai Jie said.

Liu Ye replied, "I don't know."

Lai Jie: "Aren't you very thoughtful?"

Liu Ye was silent.

Lai Jie is really the first two. Knowing that Liu Xie is resisting negatively, he looks at Meng Xuan again, but feels that he won't hit one place.

Lai Jie Shensheng asked: "Liu Ye, do you still feel right?"

"He's not a soldier." Meng Yan said quickly: "You can't ask him with the set of soldiers, Liu Ye, don't be angry, now is not the time to be angry."

Liu Ye calmed for a moment and turned on his car.

"Give an order." Wen Qige said, "Are there zombies? Come on, it's too late."

Lai Jie calmed for a while and said, "Monte, go and see what's going on with the instrument."

The words did not fall, Liu Ye got out of the car and threw a map with the approximate range circled by the red pen and several arrows.

Montana asked, "Are you sure? It's better to check again?"

Lai Jie said, "Liu Ye, you have to make sure that the data is correct."

Liu Yan had no birds with him, turned around again and fell into the door.

Lai Jie swayed in the air unconsciously. Li Yan immediately took out a can and passed it. Lai Jie smashed **** the ground and took a long breath.

"Moon," Lai Jie asked, "what's your good idea?"

Meng Yun looked at the map for a while, and then looked down the mountain.

"Our explosives are not enough," Meng said. "Miniature nuclear bombs are used up. Even if there are, they cannot be used here. The first task is to remove all people."

"Very good." Lai Jie said: "This way, the top of the mountain is suitable as a tarmac. Now hurry up and install the signal transmitter on the signal tower opposite the mountain, and call the headquarters to pick up all the people."

Meng Yan nodded slowly and said, "All the tunnels under the mountain have been blown up and the mountain collapsed."

Wen Qige said, "How can we retreat after the headquarters has picked up the people? The mountain must be surrounded by zombies. Wouldn't you want the robot cat to change the car to a helicopter ..."

"I don't have this ability." Liu Yan said coldly in the loudspeaker.

"Let the helicopter lift the two cars away." Lai Jie stretched out his index finger and circled around his head, his mouth beeping to mimic the sound of the propeller: "Now, go to work, hear my brother's signal transmitter notification Headquarters, Meng Yun went to load explosives to blast the mountain road, and Li Yan went to give them food. "

Meng Yun went in to take the detonator. They used nearly 80% in Dengfeng, and there was not much left. Lai Jie added: "Leave a trail, just in case."

Liu Ye was expressionless, looking at the screen in a daze. Twenty kilometers away from the map, there were light spots everywhere.

Lai Jie sat behind the car and smoked, until it was completely dark, and Singing Song was back. There was an explosion from the mountain, and the ground was shaking.

Montana took the food, put it on the workbench, and said, "Dine, give me the kind of nail bomb you invented."

Liu Ye said, "Take it by yourself, there are twenty left."

Meng Yan took the bomb and got out of the car, and laid a mine every 100 meters on the mountain road.

When the night came, many people lit candles at the top of the peaks and shook them in the mountain breeze, as if a grand prayer offering.

They cried together, praying for the rest of their loved ones who died under the muzzle of the monk.

Wen Qige knelt down on one knee, surrounded by a group of children.

"Don't cry, don't cry at all." Wen Qige said, "Big brother will show you a magic trick."

Liu Ye turned his head and looked out of the car. Wen Qige was like a handsome magician on the stage. He held a dog's tail grass in his left hand, and touched his furry head with his right finger.

The children laughed, and someone reached out and touched it.

Wen Qige: "?"

He touched the foxtail by himself, and the foxtail beeped.


He held the grass and let the children touch them in turn. The dog's tail shivered and beeped.

Liu Yanmei couldn't figure it out, the children were laughed a lot, and finally they laughed and sang, their lips moved, and a little short whistle was pressed under the tongue.

"Cut-" The small audience laughed as birds and beasts scattered.

Liu Ye shook his head helplessly.

In the dark, Lai Jie passed by the faint fire of thousands of candles, examining the survivors one by one and recording their names.

Liu Ye asked, "How many lives do you have?"

"It's your shit." Meng Yan rolled over and fell asleep facing the wall.

Li Yan was lying on the bed next door, playing with a knife, and said, "The boss is a bit nervous, so don't share your general knowledge with him."

Liu Ye said: "I know."

Li Yan said, "Do you know anything about young people?"

Liu Yan: "A technician left with one head?"

Li Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Who said that? That's not it."

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