MTL - 2013-Chapter 16 parting

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"Is this eight ... **** ... eye mushroom?" Cassia asked.

Liu Yan: "You can think so, in fact, I prefer to destroy mushrooms ..."

Outside the police station, the jeep rushed at high speed, struck across the road instantly, and slammed the steering wheel. A beautiful drift came out, roaring: "The people inside are lying down!"

Liu Xuan threw a canned bomb and stung on the iron gate outside the police station. Meng Xuan shifted into gear to reverse the car. The wheel idled for a moment and rushed a zombie into the bottom of the car.

With a bang, the tin box exploded, firing hundreds of iron nails in all directions, and flew away along the expanded iron skin petals. The iron nails that were reddened by the heat wave were like sharp blades, covering almost ten meters of the square without any difference. Area, shot into the head of the zombie.

Suddenly a large amount of zombies fell in front of the police station.

Speaking at a later time, Meng Xuan stepped on the gas pedal, rushing towards the outer iron gate at a high speed, and flew dozens of corpses from the inclined fence, flying five meters in the air, making a loud noise and landing heavily .

The door was pushed open, and a zombie hung on the door was knocked out and flew out. At the same time, Meng Ye and Zhang Ye flew out of the car, rolled in the front yard, fired their guns, and started firing!

Liu Ye took the driver's seat and stepped on the accelerator. The jeep crashed into the police station. The door fell. Liu Ye shook his window and shouted, "Go!"

Stop talking when you're done talking.

Hundreds of people gathered in the lobby.

With so many people, he couldn't take it out. Liu Ye only glanced at the sidelines: "Who is the leader?"

Meng Yue and Zhang Ye backed away with guns, Zhang Ye threw □□ down the ground, and at the same time, he turned towards the police station hall with Meng Yue, and Liu Ye immediately held his head and fell.

There was another loud noise, and the heat wave rolled into the lobby. Hundreds shouted in panic, looking for tables and chairs to hide.

Meng said: "So many people ?!"

Liu Xuan threw a canned bomb again, and Meng Xing yelled with one hand while holding the fallen door panel, lifted it upright, the iron nails flew across, and a sharp red nail tip appeared behind the door panel. Sizzling too hot.

It's quiet outside.

The civilians hiding in the hall rose up and looked at the people in suspicion.

"Who is the boss." Liu Yan repeated again.

"Where did you come from?" A young man in a police uniform got up behind the counter and let go of the little girl in her arms. The little girl cried and ran across the long hall to find her parents.

Meng Yue said: "From the south, just across the provincial highway. Hello, my name is Meng Yue."

"Zhang Huan." Zhang Huan shook hands with him.

"Deng Changhe," said the policeman, "only you are the survivors? Where did the weapons come from?"

Meng Yue briefly explained their origins and said, "Liu Ye brought the others together. We must leave here at once."

Deng Changhe looked like he was only twenty years old. They were both younger than Meng and Liu Ye. They said, "No, we can't leave. We have already contacted the army. Someone will come to the rescue these days."

Frown can not help frowning: "Where will the army come?"

Liu Ye inspected the lobby. This police station has only two floors. The first floor is the office for documents, licenses, etc., and the second floor is the office.

Refugees are old and young, and there are men and women. The litter on the ground, the patchwork tables, the sheets lined in the corners, and the messy travel bags indicate that they have lived here for a long time.

Deng Changhe took Meng Mao and Zhang Ye upstairs, and on the second floor was an injured old policeman and two bodies.

Zhang Huan stepped forward to examine the policeman's injuries. The flashlight shot through his pupils, released his fingers pressed against his veins, and got up and shook his head.

"I won't come," Meng said. "The tide of zombies erupted for almost a month. The military didn't even know where it was. There was no time. Pack up and leave immediately."

Deng Changhe breathed a sigh of relief, which seemed very difficult to handle. Zhang Ye said, "Friend."

Deng Changhe raised his eyes and Zhang Huan said, "Our convoy only waits for no more than ten hours at the highway junction. They will have to leave when it gets dark in the afternoon. If you are willing to stay here, we can't help you."

Deng Changhe was silent for a while and asked, "Everyone follows?"

Meng Yun looked around and looked down from the window. The outside was full of corpses. The bombardment and nail bombs invented by Liu Ye had solved nearly 90%. Several zombies tried to climb through the fence and shot him. They swept to death without answering, "Yes."

Deng Changhe asked again, "Everyone, don't leave any one."

Zhang Ye said: "All those who have not been infected."

"Go." The old policeman on the swivel chair closed his eyes calmly and slowly said, "Little Deng, take them away, and ask for help."

Deng Changhe said: "Uncle Wang!"

The old policeman's eyes were deeply sunken, his face was black, and the purple blood on his shoulders was seeping out of the bandages, shivering, "Protect those who are still alive."

Zhang Ye hurried downstairs, Liu Ye said, "Is there a doctor here?"

No one answered, looking at him strangely and hopefully.

One person was wearing a dirty shirt and trousers. "What can I do for you?"

Liu Ye said, "Are you a doctor?"

That humane: "No, but a little medical treatment."

Liu Ye and Zhang Ye whispered a few words, and then said: "Everyone line up and come to the door."

Zhang Huan is a long man with a small torch turned between his fingers and his eyes are a little red. Liu Yan said, "Come next to each other, don't mess with me?"

Meng Yun and the policeman named Deng Changhe came downstairs. Deng Changhe was wearing a police cap, his eyes were red and swollen, and he had just cried.

Liu Ye said, "Meng Ye, you are guarding the door to prevent zombies from coming in, and those who have been checked go to the front hall."

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Jian examined the pupils of the fugitives one by one, fingers resting on their veins.

"You go over there," Zhang Jian said, "you, go to the door."

Liu Ye gestured with his eyes, and he realized that he was silent for two seconds and said, "You are behind me."

The infected person walked behind Meng Xun, and Liu Xun did not say what to do next, and no one else asked.

Cassia squatted on the side of the hall to help a little girl organize her skirt and placket.

The little girl said, "Brother, are you here to save us?"

Cassia gently said, "Yes, that man is my dad, and we will take you away."

The little girl nodded, and handed a doll in her hand to Cassia. Cassia took it, and looked over and over.

"Is this an Amazon brown bear?" Cassia said.

The little girl blinked hard, and Cassia said, "Maybe an ancient fossil."

"Is there such a thing, baby?" Zhang Huan was used to the weird idiom: "You go to the door ... baby, come here."

Jue Ming said: "Give you back, my dad won't let me accept gifts from others. What about your dad?"

The little girl pointed at the team behind.

Her parents were in the line, watching her and Cassia.

Zhang Ye glanced at the gray spot around the little girl's neck, and said, "Certainly, come here."

The little girl stuffed things in the jacket of Cassia, pulled Cassia out, and the girl said, "Here."

Cassia: "Oh, thank you."

The bear doll was stuffed inside his military jacket, and his head flickered.

Zhang Huan said, "This is your ... who?"

A man came half-embracing an old woman in a coma, Zhang Ye didn't even have to look to know that she was bitten. The wound is on the wrist.

"Can you cure it?" Said a man in his forties. "She is my mother. Last night, the zombie ... crawled in through the window ... she was bitten to save me ..."

Zhang Jian said: "Go behind that big man, let's think of another way. What about you?"

The little girl's parents picked her up and said to Zhang Huan, "She's soft."

Zhang Ye said, "What's going on?"

He shot at the little girl's pupil, spreading slightly, but found no scars on her.

Rou Ma said, "Last night ..."

Dao Rou immediately winked.

Zhang Ye touched her feet down, and there was a crack on the sole of her foot that had been cut by glass, and it had begun to rot. Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Mother Rou had to say, "I stepped on the glass when I went to urinate. It's fine."

Zhang Jian said, "Go there." Then he said nothing more.

People left the hall one after another, Zhang Ye took Jue Ming's hand, reversed his car, drove the jeep out of the front yard, and Liu Ye stood at the door and said, "Now, all the people who drive will come out and take a step forward."

Most of the men stood up and Liu Ye said, "Deng Changhe, please take the lead, and everyone will follow and follow us, and the order will not be disordered."

Zhang Ye drove the car out of the street and jumped on the roof to take charge of security.

A team of nearly a hundred people split in two. Meng Yue cut off the infected people in the back row, turned and stood outside the iron gate, straddled the corpses of the zombies, and looked at them with a gun seemingly unintentionally. "

Liu Ye took the man to drive, selected eight old cars, checked the fuel tank and water tank one by one, and if it was barely usable, he opened the lock box directly and violently cracked and started the car.

There were also people who came to take refuge in a car. They had the car keys in their hands. Liu Ye got all the cars and told them to park next to the road.

Liu Yan: "You get in the car first."

Zhang Huan said: "The people behind Meng Yao are infected. The middle-aged person and the couple are not infected, but their relatives ... I dare not separate them. What do you do? Now?"

Liu Ye stood for a while and took a deep breath.

"After I die, I will definitely go to eighteen floors of hell." Liu Ye closed her eyes slowly and said slowly.

He walked to the blindfold and looked at the infected crowd, all faces were strange.

Liu Ye said: "You are all infected and may become zombies."

In a word, the crowd shook, and Meng Xuan stepped back, protecting Liu Xie behind him. The muzzle pointed at the crowd to prevent variables. Some people screamed, and some even fled to the police station.

"No!" Liu Yan said: "He has no intention of shooting, don't be afraid."

The crowd settled and one shouted, "What shall we do ?!"

Liu Ye said: "I can't do anything and can't take you away, sorry."

Suddenly crying, pleading sounded into one piece, Mongolian holding a gun to protect Liu Ye slowly backing away, the couple rushed out, crying, "We are not infected! Don't leave us!"

Zhang Ye said, "They can go, but she ... can't go."

Liu Yan swallowed hard and said, "You two get in the car, your daughter can't."

Zhang Ye pointed a gun at a middle-aged man: "You can go too."

The middle-aged man hugged his mother and said, "I can't, I'll stay with my mother."

Liu Xun's tears came down instantly, covering his shoulders, whispering comfort, and turning on the car.

"Don't let them go!" Someone roared frantically: "Can't let them go!"

The shout sounded like a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, but for a short moment, at the gate of the police station, a bang fired into the sky.

The old policeman leaned against the door frame and said wearily, "Leave the chance of surviving to the living, I will stay here to take care of you."

The crowd was quiet, Meng Yue pointed at them with a machine gun and covered Liu Ye to get on the car.

The old policeman said, "Qian Huairen, are you not infected? I heard Xiao Deng say."

The middle-aged man holding his mother nodded with tears. The old policeman gave up with a gun and said, "You follow them, I will take care of her."

He walked down the steps and took the old man in Qian Huairen's arms and said, "Go, your mother will want you to live. Don't let her down."

"Let's go," Meng said.

The middle-aged man approached their car, glanced back, and Meng pushed him into the car.

"What's your name," Meng said.

The old policeman smiled: "I'm a film policeman, go, boy, I wish you a safe journey."

He pinched his fingers in front of his brow, waved goodbye to him, and got into the car.

Rou's parents put their daughter on the side of the road, and Rou's mother cried alive and was crammed into the car.

"Mom ..." Rourou stood beside the road and shouted blankly.

"Rourou--" the old policeman said at the gate of the police station: "Your mom and dad just left for a while, come here, uncle hugs you."

"Rourou is a good boy, listen to the police uncle."

The convoy drove out of the street, holding the bear in his hand and looking out of the car. The lonely little girl stood in the middle of the road and burst into tears.

They left along the road, and a small group of zombies were lost under the monk's bursting machine gun. When they arrived in the urban area, Liu Xun and Meng Xun boarded a truck that had been placed here and took a large number of supplies to the hall. Then they continued to take the lead. At 3 pm, they returned to the highway safely, and the long convoy surprised the others.

Lin Musen frowned, "Bring so many people back?"

Liu Ye got out of the car and instructed people to unload the goods, saying, "All survivors are uninfected. This is our boss."

"Hello there!"

"What is it called?"

Immediately someone got out of the car and handed cigarettes to Lin Musen, Lin Musen said impatiently: "Let's go over there! Liu Ye, you better explain to me, what are these people for? Let them be safe! Trouble! "

As soon as Lin Musen's words fell, the younger brothers came forward with guns and formed a siege circle. Immediately someone was shouting in anger, the woman screamed, and the scene was chaotic.

Zhang Huan and Meng Hua were already mentally prepared, and each held the trigger.

"I have five on the left." Zhang Huan said, "You are responsible for solving the eight on the right."

Meng Yun whispered: "Not busy, look at Liu Ye's first, and then solve them."

When they first met Lin Musen, the conflict of ideas was buried deep in each other's heart. This is the inherent mentality of Liu Xie and Meng Xie. They and Zhang Huan are definitely humans.

However, Lin Musen is another kind of person. Perhaps this kind of contradiction will always be stimulated and it is difficult to avoid.

Liu Yidao: "Duan points! This is our leader, Lin Musen, Sen Ge, he is not malicious, but just want to confirm whether you are carrying a virus."

Having said that, Liu Xun said to Lin Musen: "I believe these people have a role. You are short of people. Senge, Meng Chen and Zhang Huan don't have enough helpers to build an armed squad at all. You want people, people are powerful, Only when we can let them take guns to fight zombies can we protect ourselves. "

Lin Musen was not hypnotized by Liu Ye, asking instead: "This is your reason?"

Liu Yandao: "We didn't actually rescue many people and didn't have time to review in a hurry, but now it's only three-thirty and there is enough time to review it here."

Lin Musen groaned slightly and nodded: "Yes, you are responsible. All those who stay will give me a reason."

Liu Yan won the preliminary victory, and said happily, "Wrap it on me, let's go and rest. We also brought a lot of things from the city. You may like tomato sauce and canned fruits. Decidedly, hand over your canned pineapple. ... Don't stare at me with hatred, hurry up, share good things with good friends. "

The two younger brothers moved to the table, and Liu Ye was sitting on a cardboard box full of books and spread out a stack of papers: "Come here and register, don't be afraid, you are safe from now on."

The crowd began to line up, and Meng Xuan was like a permanent protector. Standing behind Liu Xuan, his dark complexion, firm sharp eyes, and the gun in his hand were the most important.

Everything shows clearly that Liu Ye cannot mess with it.

"What's your name?" Liu Yan asked earnestly: "What occupation did you use before?"

"Self-employed," the man replied.

Liu Ye: "It will do the accounting, right? What can you do for us? Um ... yes. You will be trained to use a gun, hold this paper, go to Lin Musen to report, be polite, remember to call him boss. "

Lin Musen was sitting in a container truck, eating canned fruit with the door open, and from time to time someone came to show his loyalty. He narrowed his eyes, accepted scornfully, and then threatened: "Don't mess up."

Liu Ye: "Next."

"You said that everyone ..." Deng Changhe's voice was depressed with anger.

"I will." Liu Yan said coldly: "I always talk."

Deng Changhe took a deep breath and showed patience for a long time. Liu Ye held out his hand: "Hello, introduce yourself, my name is Liu Ye."

Deng Changhe said: "I'm just an intern police officer and a film policeman. I'm not necessarily your opponent, but Liu Ye ... we serve the people. Uncle Wang said that we should protect everyone, just like protecting our parents. .If you……"

Meng Yan said: "You are more verbose than Liu Ye, go ahead and you will understand later, little brother."

Liu Ye smiled helplessly, and signaled Deng Changhe to go to the triad leader Lin Musen to report.

Zhang Huan lit a stove with solid fuel, beckoned Deng Changhe to come over, and told him a few words.

"Yo, Comrade Police!" Lin Musen hanged on the side of the seat.

Deng Changhe glanced at him and said nothing.

Lin Musen's eyes narrowed immediately, his eyes were fierce. Deng Changhe said, "Sen brother is good, I can't speak."

He pulled the gun out of the back waist bag, the barrel was facing himself, and the handle was facing Lin Musen, passing it seriously.

The move that Zhang Huan told him had achieved full effect, Lin Musen took over his □□, and was very satisfied with this move.

"Very good, young man," Lin Musen said.

Liu Yan: "What's your name? What's it for?"

He looked up, and the man in front of him answered, "Wu Weiguang, I'm a priest. I've met again. Hello."

Liu Ye recognized the person in front of him who was in the hall and offered to have some medical technology and was willing to help Zhang Ye.

"Hello." Liu Yan shook hands with him: "Pastor ... Does this profession exist in China?"

"It's always been," said Wu Weiguang. "You are also a believer? I graduated from Nanjing Jinling Theological Seminary."

"I'm not a believer, but my grandmother used to be." Liu Ye knew that the title "priest" was a position in Protestantism. Unlike a priest, a pastor focused on managing the church and spreading the gospel. They sometimes also acted as apostles .

Wu Weiguang held Liu Ye's hand and said, "What about her later?"

Liu Ye said: "Died."

Wu Weiguang said softly, "So, I think she has always been. Because she converted to the Lord."

Liu Ye nodded and smiled.

Wu Weiguang held Liu Ye's hand again and said earnestly: "Be strong, boy."

Meng Yun looked at the priest's hand, and immediately became unhappy.

Montgomery said: "Are you a priest? Is it holy or disciplinary? Will it be a healer? The ring of healing or something, mass dispersal is fine."

Liu Xun knew Christian Protestantism. He always had a good opinion of this religion and knew a little doctrine. However, in the long term, it was impossible for him to explain in detail. He only said, "Do n’t talk nonsense, monk."

"It doesn't matter." Wu Weiguang retracted his hand. "The Lord forgives everyone who doesn't know him."

Liu Ye said: "You may not be allowed to teach in the ... team, and please don't tell Lin Musen your identity for the time being."

Wu Weiguang said, "I will pay attention."

Liu Ye also said, "You will have simple medical treatment, so you are a western doctor ... can you help Zhang Ye without a license?" He looked at Wu Weiguang's eyes with a solicitation.

Wu Weiguang nodded and said, "You are a kind person, and the Lord will bless you."

When he got the note, he went to Lin Musen, and Liu Ye whispered: "They have no other meaning, they just want to make you feel better, it's all kindness."

He said, "Next."

A man said, "My name is Hu Yan, fortunately." He said a very famous world brand company, took out his business card and handed it to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye couldn't agree: "You are the head of the Asia-Pacific region ...?"

Hu Yan said: "Yes, my wife and children, my father and mother are all abroad. This time I flew back to talk about a contract. I didn't expect ... you know what way can ..."

Liu Yandao: "IMHO, do you look like we have planes or air tickets?"

Hu Yan sighed: "What should I do now? I don't know what's going on in the United States. They are all in New York. Is this the only situation in China ... I'm afraid ..."

Liu Ye said: "I think you already have an idea, otherwise you won't live to this day."

After nearly half a minute of silence, Hu Yan nodded and said, "Yes, you can only take one step to calculate one step."

Liu Ye said, "What major do you study? I have to arrange a reason for you to stay without wasting food."

Hu Yi answered: "I am a management student. I graduated from Harvard. I believe you need a deputy who can manage so many people, calm down trouble and motivate the team. And I remember you said that the team leader has another person, this person. is not it……"

Liu Ye said: "He is a gangster, you ... you look like a smart person, but I still have to remind you that you are not recommended to say too much to teach him management."

Hu Yan said: "Rest assured, I have met many people like this and know how to deal with it."

Liu Ye gave him a piece of paper, and Hu Ye left.

"Next person."

"I can cook," said the woman.

She is a tender mother.

"Someone has already cooked." Liu Yan said: "You ... you can go to the Wu Weiguang later, he will make you feel better."

Mother Rou nodded, leaning against Father Rou's shoulder, Liu Kun said, "But first you have to find ... another reason, let me think."

"I help you clean and bring children." Her voice was sobbing and sobbing, Liu Yan said: "You."

Dao Rou said, "I take care of her. Whatever you ask us to do, we will do whatever."

Liu Ye wrote "logistics" and "reserve" on the paper, handed it to Rou Dad, and signaled him to loyal to Lin Musen.

There were only seventy-three people this time, but Liu Ye spent more time than last time. He also wrote down the names of everyone.

It took almost two hours. At sunset, Zhang Jian's medicine was boiled. Previously, each team member was given a bowl.

Lin Musen drank a large bowl of medicinal soup and frowned bitterly. Zhang Ye said, "The car window should be opened to avoid the heat from heat."

Lin Musen nodded and asked him to take someone to saw the window. In the magnificent twilight, the highway stretched to the other side of the sky. It's over. "

Lin Musen: "How many people did you recruit this time?"

Liu Ye: "Seventy-three."

Lin Musen: "How many people are left."

Liu Yan: "No one stays."

Lin Musen said coldly: "You owe me an explanation. You just pretend to be a fake?"

Liu Ye said, "The slivers are all in your hands. Who do you think shouldn't stay? You said, I'll let them get out of here."

Lin Musen took a deep breath: "I haven't found out just now, what do you recruit so many women for? There are half-old children."

Liu Ye said: "Children can also participate in training. They are all in their teens who can walk and run. Since they can survive, they will not hinder."

Lin Musen: "What about women?"

Liu Yandao: "Women and children are the families of those men. To be honest, I think we will settle somewhere after we leave here, and we won't be able to drive around all the time, right?"

Lin Musen nodded his head, Liu Yi said: "Once a major event occurs, women tend to be calmer than men. When difficulties exceed a critical point, they tend to calmly cope with the situation. Many women, like men, are qualified to take guns, provided that you Willing to train them. "

"Take back 10,000 steps and say that they are part of the men's family ... You see, Brother Brother?"

Lin Musen glanced into the distance and Yu Ma set up a stove to cook at the roadside. They were around her and started to help spontaneously.

"If you want men to defend their homes," Liu said, "behind them, they have to be a little concerned. This concern is enough for them to sacrifice themselves and protect their wives and children."

Lin Musen said: "Where? What's going on? You brought me back a cult?"

Holding the Bible, Wu Weiguang stood not far away and said to his soft parents.

"The Lord has mercy on her and calls her back to Heavenly Father. May her rest in heaven ..."

"Wait, Brother Brother." Liu Yan said: "Don't bother them."

Lin Musen seemed to see a monster, and stabbed Liu Ying in front of him with a finger. After having taken the medicine, Meng Yan saw that the momentum was not right, and immediately darkened his face and walked towards them.

Liu Ye was not easy to detect with one hand, and he shook slightly at the side to signal Meng Yue not to come.

"This priest." Liu Yan said: "I can't explain it to you now, Brother Sen. But I guarantee with personality, you will definitely think it is important to have him in the future."

Lin Musen said: "Your guarantee is worth a fart! Liu Ye! I really trust you so much that you can get me so many people silently! You listen to me now ..."

"I think Mr. Liu said something." Hu Yan said: "Sen brother, how many people did you have when you just started, can you tell the younger brother?"

Lin Musen didn't answer, Hu Yan said again: "A lot of people are always safer, this way past, and I don't know how much they can live. Brother Sen, please let out the anger first, Liu Ye is really wishful thinking."

Liu Ye winked, Hu said, "Being alive now doesn't mean they can survive in the future."

Lin Musen said: "Do you mean, keep watching first?"

Hu Yan said: "Yes, there are more people who can be screened, and they will be trained, and the last one must be the elite. Whether they can survive or not depends on their performance ... including myself, I am serious and hope to serve the team Contribute, please give me this opportunity. "

"Um." Lin Musen was persuaded for a while, his mind, Liu Ye and Hu Yan are very clear-next time they meet a zombie, Lin Musen will definitely throw some people he feels dragged his back.

"Let them do nothing wrong," Lin Musen whispered, "Liu Ye, any of these people who are in trouble is your responsibility."

Liu Ye said: "I see. If you are in a business trip pool, you don't need to do it. I will take care of it."

Lin Musen said: "It's good to know." After turning around and getting out of the car, he shouted toward the distance: "Drive at seven! Your car can't go with you, the gasoline is not enough! Everyone pack up. Limit two kilograms per person. cargo truck!"

Liu Min breathed a sigh of relief, and Hu Min drank the medicine in the paper cup and whispered: "His reserves are enough to eat, isn't it?"

Liu Yandao: "When you asked him, I told him seventy-three people. At first he didn't express any objections ... to prove that the grain storage was absolutely enough for these people. I knew a girl who gave him a warehouse, and she told me, Lin Musen's reserves are enough for a thousand people to eat for two years ... "

Hu Yan nodded.

"There are only a hundred people here," Hu Yan said. "Each person consumes a catty of food a day, as long as a hundred catties a day ... Do you know when we will be driven away?"

Liu Ye: "These were born and died by Meng Ye and Zhang Ye. They were taken back from the tide of zombies. From the town shops on the roadside, they took their lives to take risks ... Look at these containers, just dry flour There are at least tens of tons, not to mention rice and hanging noodles, as well as those searched along the way ... now separated, don't talk too much to me, he doesn't like me anymore.

August 30, 2012.

We set off for a short day at the far south of Hunan and set off again. Seventy-three survivors were recruited and thirty-six infected persons were abandoned. The life detector no longer showed signs of survival.

Lin Musen ordered to bypass all big cities and settle only next to villages and towns.

A priest named Wu Weiguang joined us with six junior high school students. They were about the same size as Cassia, which made the team a lot of fun. The priest rescued ten junior high school students who could only add chaos in the zombie tide, watched four of them die, and wished them a good life in the kingdom of heaven, trying to persuade the other children to live optimistically.

This may be like the decision I made now, leaving all seventy-three survivors.

I don't know if my decision is right or wrong, only time can prove everything, fate is misty and distant, just like the dreamer who embarked on a journey alone with a book of poems and a pillow.

Read The Duke's Passion