MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 169

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He was sighed with a few abilities to go downstairs.

When they walked through several buildings, they met another person.

The people on the opposite side saw them and stopped immediately. They stood upright and shouted: "Minister is good!"

Ye Wenxuan was shocked by these sounds. Inexplicably, the group of security guards in Washington suddenly felt awkward.

He waved his hand: "When are you turning off the lights, why don't you go back to the dormitory?"

The leftmost soldier said: "The lights are turned off at 9:30. We just went to see the captain's test, and I am ready to go back to the dormitory!"

Ye Wenxuan looked at the building next to it. There were indeed many special training rooms there. They couldn’t help but say: “All three captains are there?”


Before I finished, someone came out of the building.

The soldier moved his footsteps and whispered, "The captains are down."

Adenis stood next to Ye Wenxuan. He turned his head and looked at the three people who walked out of the building. He approached Ye Wenxuan: "I heard that Xia Assistant said that you have three special action groups under your team. Which group should I and Noor belong to?"

Ye Wenxuan glanced at him: "They can't control you, you go directly to me."

Adenis listened very satisfied and felt that his status should not be low.

On the other hand, the three captains of Cao Jiangkang also saw the two groups of people standing under the streetlights. They couldn’t help but walked over. Cao Huan walked in the front and saw Ye Wenxuan standing next to the sneak sneak, and said: "Boss, this It’s nine o'clock, where are you going?”

Jiang Qiwen is the most polite inside. When he meets, he asks the voice first, and Kang Mingyou is the most uninformed inside, but after being stunned by Cao Huan for a few days, this thorn has seen Ye Wenxuan not speaking well, only boring his head. .

Ye Wenxuan saw that they were all sweating, and they wanted to play very fiercely. When they rushed, they suddenly turned a corner: "We have to go to the back training ground. A few, if you are fine, let’s take a look. It is always necessary to get familiar with the new colleagues."

Cao Huan: "You want this...?"

Ye Wenxuan: "I haven’t exercised for a long time, and I am going to activities and activities."

Cao Huan knows, he almost immediately blinked his eyes, his eyes crossed among the other people: "Who is who?"

Ye Wenxuan took a group of people to the training ground while lazily saying: "Melee."

Kang Mingyou is still thinking about mixing a hair. Jiang Qiwen has been holding his collar and chasing the footsteps of the people in front.

Kang Mingyou: "..."

Just, just take a look. Who told Jiang Ge not to glare at him.



A twisted strip slammed on the ground and swayed a dust.

Numerous blue-violet pliable tentacles sway in the air. They are like living creatures, but they seem to be just a few swings because of the manipulation of the blond youth in the field.

The tentacles just moved slowly, but none of the abilities in the presence dared to ignore them.

Just because if you don't pay attention to it, the thorn cells that are full of poison can instantly kill their lives.

It is like a quietly open trap of fangs, lazy waiting for the prey to hook.

Victor carefully avoided Lean's tentacles, and rushed to the side while running, while tumbling forward, flashing a small metal coin flying from the rear.

"Boss! Wait!" He ran and yelled as he yelled: "My ability is not a combat type! Otherwise... otherwise you will let me find a place to lie, try it with the ideology... ..."

In the open-air training ground of Nuo Da, in addition to the toxic tentacles of Lean, there are dozens of inconspicuous one-dollar coins suspended in the air.

A few lights are lit around the training ground, and the coins rotate in the light, reflecting a glare of silver from time to time.

The young man with a ponytail stands on the field. Countless coins are centered on him, floating up and down within a space of five meters in diameter, and gently moving according to the trajectory of electron movement in the magnetic field.

It seems as if it is being pulled by some kind of inexplicable and invisible force. From a distance, it seems that there are groups of bees flying around the youth.

When Ye Wenxuan's right index finger swayed, there was a coin that accelerated like a cannonball.

Occasionally, a few hit the ground, and after a slamming sound, there will be a small round pit at that place, showing the speed of the coin and the power.

Later, almost all the coins moved.

It's like a real bullet in the rain!

If the naked eye of the appearance of the person can keep up with the speed of these coins, they can find that these coins are moving at a high speed according to a certain trajectory, as if chasing an invisible enemy.

The spiral long tentacles sometimes accidentally entered the flight orbit of the coin, and were immediately beaten by these little things. The blue-violet liquid with the toxin was scattered and splashed, and in the next moment, it was separated from the gravity traction, and flew into the palm of Ye Wenxuan. Gathered into a group of light purple water polo.

Three minutes later, Adenis was finally hit by a coin and appeared somewhere a dozen meters away from Ye Wenxuan.

"I know that you have been making progress all the time." Adenus gasped slowly and stood up.

He said, while putting his right hand on his shoulder, his thumb rubbed against the palm of the palm that still had weak static electricity.

Ye Wenxuan's finger hooked, the coin slammed up and flew back to him: "I didn't use much strength, otherwise it would directly penetrate your bones."

Adenis watched him take back the coin and shook his left shoulder again: "I can't hide."

Ye Wenxuan raised his arm and showed the sleeves that had been cut through the mouth at the elbow: "You are not bad. If you are close, the outcome is not known."

Adenus walked over to him and shook his head: "It’s useless to be close, and your lightning can be much faster than my supersonic speed."

He suddenly stopped a few steps and looked down at his feet.

A group of unknown liquids wrapped around his left foot and quickly climbed up the calf.

Adenis is not good: "This... Noel?!"

The liquid sighed: "Adenis, you care about it."

Adenus lifted his leg up: "Rely, don't climb up! My legs are not aware."

Noel: "Do you admit defeat?"

The more he climbed, the more he crossed the chest of Adenis in the blink of an eye, and then he would seal the mouth and nose of the other side. Adenus screwed his neck and shouted: "I admit defeat! Well, I have no neck below now. Perceived, come down!"

Noel: "Oh."

Then start slowly squatting down.

Ye Wenxuan was the first to see Noel's ability. He couldn't help but cautiously avoid the tentacles that Lean stretched everywhere, and approached Noel, who looked down from Adenis.

Noel is still in a liquid state. He seems to be a huge volume of mercury. Under the illumination of the evening, the flowing liquid flashes with a bright silver luster. At first glance, it is very dazzling.

But when he landed, the color quickly approached the ground infinitely. If he didn't look it up carefully, he really couldn't see the difference between this guy and the ground.

Adenis finally breathed smoothly, and immediately moved a few steps away from Noel: "Almost forgot, you are best at lurking and assassination."

The mercury trembled and gradually piled up in the shape of an adult, and then began to show Noel's appearance from the skull.

He is still in a semi-liquid state, and he is serious about this appearance: "The soldiers are not deceived, my father taught me."

Adenis showed a disgusted expression: "To tell the truth, your father is really not very good."

A few long tentacles suddenly shot from the top of the head, the three used at the same time, the coins around Ye Wenxuan will twist the tentacles, Noel smashed into a mercury, and Adenus has appeared on the other side of the training ground. .

"When fighting... no chat..." Lai’s upper body, Lean, looked at her side with half eyes, and sleepwalking said: "I...ready..."

Dare to be warmed up by other people, this guy just opened his posture.

The coin was rotated in the air for a week, and Ye Wenxuan showed a calm smile. He said, "Everyone, are the bones and activities open?"

Victor was on the side of the training ground, screaming after hiding in a pile of shelter: "Boss! Not yet!"

Adenis teleported behind him and squatted on his ass: "Oh, then I will help you."

Victor: "You..."

Ye Wenxuan: "Melee, start!"

More and more dark nights, the suburbs of the city, the secret base in the mountains.

Thunder began to faintly commotion.


The super-fighting between the powers almost alerted the soldiers and officers in the entire base.

The huge tentacles of the claws, the fast-moving coins of the shells, the men who suddenly appeared and disappeared, and the teenager who was attacked and turned into mercury.

And... a number of bright silver flashing arcs that are connected between the coin and the coin.

It's like a battle that only appears in Hollywood blockbusters.

The battle between the powers.

There are more and more soldiers outside the training ground. Even if the time has been turned off, the soldiers are still gathering here.

Jiang Qiwen ordered his subordinates to maintain order, and did not catch these people. He only warned the soldiers not to be near the training ground and could only watch outside the venue.

He re-entered the place where Cao Huan and Kang Mingyou were located. This is the five-story grandstand that usually leads the military parade or the training. The three captains and the two assistant secretaries are in the stands at this time, occupying the best "viewing" position.

All the lighting equipment around the training ground was turned on. More than a dozen soldiers were asked to look at the camera, go to various locations on the venue, shoot at different angles, and a team of technicians moved to various monitoring instruments. On-site observations were recorded on various visions in the field.

In addition to the soldiers responsible for the night, almost everyone in the base has arrived.

But the strange thing is that there are so many people gathered outside the stadium, but it does not seem complicated.

The soldiers sat quietly and orderly, and the technicians recorded the data silently behind the instrument. All the people's eyes were concentrated in the venue. The expression on the face was very shocking, and almost lost words.

Cao Huan holds a telescope grabbed from someone else's hand. His eyes are fixed on the training ground below. I can't wait to have a remote control at this time. I can pause the movements of several abilities and repeat it all three times.

He was surrounded by two assistant secretaries. Xia Zhiqing had a slap in the face. Xiang Feiying had long been expected. At this time, there was a touch of scent on his face, and his hand was a military telescope with Cao Huan.

Kang Mingyou squatted on the front railing, his face was similar to that of Xia Zhiqing, and he looked at the battle below.

Jiang Qiwen walked over and kicked him kicking and whispered: "Stand back, want to be accidentally injured by the minister's coin."

Just now, a coin with a flash of electric light flew over the stands and swept past everyone.

The hot, bright silver arc almost burned a few people's eyebrows, and the strong sense of crisis even allowed several men who had fought in battle to tighten their muscles and subconsciously put on a defensive posture.

Kang Mingyou seems to be unable to hear him, still looking at the gods below.

Jiang Qiwen shook his head and put him on the front, dragging people to the back row.

Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read My Space-Time System
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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