He Clings to Me Every Night-Chapter 311 - Their Sweetness

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Chapter 311: Chapter 311 Their Sweetness

Translator: 549690339

She had a tickle in her ear, and Olivia Jenkins instinctively shrugged her shoulders.

โ€œHoney, donโ€™t move around, Iโ€™m almost done cooking,โ€ she said.

Daniel Marshallโ€™s deep eyes held a hint of a smile.

Suddenly, Daniel kissed Oliviaโ€™s cheek while still holding her, โ€œWifey, did you make all these dishes?โ€

โ€œYes! Go wash your hands, itโ€™s almost dinner time.โ€

With a warm smile playing on his lips, Daniel said, โ€œIโ€™m really hungry, itโ€™s just the right time for some of your cooking.โ€

After giving a few generous kisses on Oliviaโ€™s face, Daniel went to wash his hands.

Once the final dish was cooked, Auntie Jane brought out all the dishes, while Olivia invited her to join for dinner.

Auntie Jane hesitated, โ€œMaโ€™am, thank you, but Iโ€™ll eat later.โ€

โ€œIf the lady asks you to join her, Auntie Jane, you should join in,โ€ Daniel intervened.

Hearing these words from Daniel, Auntie Jane dared not refuse and reluctantly

sat down.

Olivia served Daniel food, and his gentle gaze never left Oliviaโ€™s face.

Olivia urged, โ€œCome on, taste it, and see if you like it. Actually, I cooked following a recipe, itโ€™s my first time cooking.โ€

After tasting, an expression of surprise appeared on Danielโ€™s face.

With her eyes never leaving Danielโ€™s face, Olivia asked, โ€œHoney, is it delicious?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s incredibly delicious!โ€

Olivia chuckled, โ€œI almost burned it to a crisp.โ€

โ€œThereโ€™s no burnt taste at all, itโ€™s so fragrant!โ€

โ€œDarling, donโ€™t give too much praise, leave some room for me to improve.โ€

Danielโ€™s expression suddenly became serious, โ€œSeeing the red marks on your hand, I really donโ€™t want you to cook anymore.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s fine, it doesnโ€™t hurt at all, Iโ€™ve already applied the medicine. The oil spattered a lot because I wasnโ€™t familiar with the first dish.โ€

A bad look appeared on Auntie Janeโ€™s face,โ€Sir, itโ€™s all my fault. I should have looked after maโ€™am better.โ€

Olivia hurriedly explained, โ€œAuntie Jane tried to stop me, itโ€™s my persistence to cook myself. As a wife, I canโ€™t be ignorant about everything. Practice makes perfect, right? Donโ€™t worry, darling. I promise I wonโ€™t burn down the kitchen.โ€ ๐‘“๐˜ณโ„ฏโ„ฏ๐”€โ„ฏ๐“ซ๐‘›๐‘œ๐“‹๐‘’๐“ต.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐“ถ

The corners of Danielโ€™s mouth curled into a small smile as he looked at Olivia, and his gaze softened, โ€œIn the future, we can cook together.โ€


โ€œThe food my wife cooked is really delicious!โ€

Olivia beamed more broadly, her eyes slightly downcast.

Auntie Jane also gave a gentle laugh, feeling that the couple was becoming increasingly close. Their sweetness was apparent to her.

However, she felt slightly awkward, like a third wheel in the room.

After Olivia took a shower, Daniel gently applied medicine to her hand. โ€œSo many red spots, it hurts just to look at them.โ€

Olivia looked up at him with a smile, โ€œDarling, it really doesnโ€™t hurt anymore.

Iโ€™ve applied the medicine, it wonโ€™t blister.โ€

โ€œIf your hands dare to blister, I wonโ€™t let you cook ever again.โ€

โ€œBut I want to cook for you.โ€ โ€œI prefer you safe and sound.โ€

โ€œI know, Iโ€™ll be more careful.โ€

After applying the medicine, Daniel held Olivia tightly.

Ever since he had brought her out from the cold storage, he was really afraid that she would leave him.

He desired never to face such danger again. Daniel didnโ€™t want to experience the pain of loss once more.

He hoped she would not leave him alone in this world.

With a slight purse of her lips, Olivia also held Daniel, her face against his, feeling his warmth.

For their future, for this man who had given her a second chance at life, Olivia was willing to compromise, trying to understand Daniel.

Perhaps, life together was not that bad in the end.

Marriage was only an opportunity for happiness. Real happiness had to be created by oneself, and she was willing to give it a try.

Looking at Daniel unblinkingly, she suddenly took the initiative to press her

lips against his..