He Clings to Me Every Night-Chapter 295 - : Conspirator

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Chapter 295: Chapter 295: Conspirator

Translator: 549690339

Olivia Jenkins parked the car, sensing something was amiss.

As she got out of the car, her sharp, almond eyes scanned the surroundings.

Usually, Greenview Villa was bustling with business, but today, the car park was eerily empty, with only a few cars parked

Just as Olivia Jenkins was deep in thought, she was suddenly startled by a voice that snapped her back to reality.

揧ou抮e here. Long time no see!

Anger surged in Olivia Jenkins eyes as she glared fiercely at the girl named

Xiang Fu standing on the high ground, 揥here抯 my grandmother?

Xiang Fu抯 chilling laughter echoed through the villa, carrying a provocative tone, 揧ou come up here!

揇ebts have their debtors, Xiang Fu, don抰 you dare touch my grandmother.

Come at me instead.

Xiang Fu didn抰 respond, only laughing eerily, her crafty eyes filled with contempt.

Suddenly, Xiang Fu disappeared. Olivia Jenkins quickly ran up, calling, 揦iang Fu, come out. Let抯 talk.

Not only was there no reply from Xiang Fu, but there was also no sign of her. Olivia Jenkins loudly called for her grandmother and Hannah Jenkins, but there was no response.

Greenview Villa was huge and hard to navigate. Olivia Jenkins climbed to higher ground, glancing downwards from time to time.

Unexpectedly, Olivia Jenkins saw Xiang Fu standing on the first floor. Xiang Fu scornfully yelled at her.

揇idn抰 you want to find your grandma? I pushed her to the cold room on the first floor, beside the kitchen, and your little sister as well. Olivia Jenkins, you抎 better hurry up, or they might freeze to death! Ha-ha-ha卨 never thought you were so utterly devoted to them!

Olivia Jenkins ran down, she had almost circled the entire villa, which was creepily peculiar, without seeing a single staff member, not even any diners.

Greenview Villa was eerily quiet.

If that lunatic, Xiang Fu, truly had locked her grandmother in the cold room, her grandmother would undoubtedly be in danger. Olivia Jenkins needed to find her grandmother as quickly as possible.

Xiang Fu was stark raving mad. Olivia Jenkins believed that she would stoop to any low to bring her down.

Olivia Jenkins could not care less now, nor did she have time to think. She quickly headed for the cold room to find her grandmother.

Following the direction indicated by the kitchen map, Olivia Jenkins found the cold room.

Just as Olivia Jenkins opened the door to the cold room, she was taken by surprise and hit with a rod.

Ignoring the pain in her back, Olivia Jenkins grappled with Xiang Fu, her bag fell to the floor in the struggle.

When Xiang Fu couldn抰 overpower Olivia Jenkins, she sprayed pepper spray at her. As Olivia dodged, she retreated into the cold room.

With lightning speed, a prepared Xiang Fu locked Olivia inside the cold room.

揌a-ha-ha Bitch, I抳e rehearsed this moment many times just for today.

Now, you can enjoy the cold room as long as you like.

揑 may not be able to beat you, but I抳e specially prepared this pepper spray for you. Even if you dodge it, let抯 see if you can avoid this delightfully cold room!

揃itch, you thought you could rule the world, didn抰 you? You were so arrogant, weren抰 you? Didn抰 expect to find such a devoted child in you. Then you can remain in here and continue your filial piety, ha-ha-ha厰

Xiang Fu抯 laughter was crazed, her face ghastly and terrifying.

Xiang Fu picked up Olivia Jenkins bag, turned off her mobile phone, and left the cold room nonchalantly.

Aria Douglas was tied to a chair, unable to move or speak.

Hannah Jenkins and Mrs. Jenkins had been taken away by Xiang Fu. Aria Douglas didn抰 know if they were safe.

In the far ends of the rear courtyard of Greenview Villa, Hannah Jenkins and Mrs. Jenkins were dining in a private room, accompanied by their bodyguards.

Although Hannah Jenkins tried to act calm, she was a bit panicked inside. She was afraid that Olivia Jenkins would discover she was a co-conspirator..

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