From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables-Chapter 292 - : 135 Azure Blue (First release)_2

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Chapter 292: 135 Azure Blue (First release)_2

Translator: 549690339

Could it be that Xi Yu also likes Zhu Mingjing?

Zhao Qin clenched her teeth and said, 揅ousin, in this lifetime, I acknowledge only one cousin -in-law, and that is Zhu Mingjing. Little sister will support you with all her might. Keep going.

Ran Tengxiao gave her a disdainful look: 揋et out.

The car drove into the Rans Mansion.

As it was very late, Zhao Qin decided not to return home. She had a room in the Rans house, which she occasionally used. This also showcased her status as the young mistress of the Rans.

揗aster Xiao, you are back. Ye Jian came to greet him.

Upon seeing Zhao Qin, he expressed surprise: 揧oung Miss, you are also here.

Noises of things being thrown around came from upstairs. Zhao Qin clicked her tongue: 揥hat is going on in the middle of the night?

Ye Jian was rather embarrassed. Ever since the last incident, the temperament of the second young master had seriously changed. He was venting his anger by throwing things around every day. The items in his bedroom had mostly been smashed by now.

Zhao Qin quickly ran up to the second floor, ready to add fuel to the fire.

Ran Tengxiao walked into his study, 揂ny news from Xi Yu?

揘one, he disappears without a trace every time. Our people can抰 keep up.

Ye Jian thought of something to say: 揂 few days ago, the police were mobilized citywide. I felt that something was off, so I sent someone to investigate. Turns out, the young master of the Qu family from Jing City came to Jiangzhou. He had a car accident and went missing, causing panic among the people in Jiangzhou. Fortunately, he has been found.

Hearing this, Ran Tengxiao chuckled knowingly: 揝o it was him. Ye Jian was puzzled: 慚aster Xiao, you抳e met him?

揑 had dinner with him tonight. Just a kid. He chuckled, speaking lightly.

Ye Jian抯 eyes widened in surprise. Master Xiao had dined with the young master of the Qu family? This could cause a great sensation if word got out.

Ran Tengxiao squinted his eyes and suddenly asked: 揟he child who was mistakenly kidnapped by my late uncle, could it be him?

揑t seems that Master Xiao already knows.

Ye Jian turned his head to look towards the doorway, 揗aster Lin.

Lin Feng walked in, his face grave.

Quietly, Ye Jian retreated and closed the door. He faithfully stood guard in front of the study room抯 doorway.

揂mong the few major families in Jing City, he is the only child who matches the age. Ran Tengxiao spoke indifferently.

揂fter Ji Chang defected and ran away, Master Wen chased him to Jing City. He intended to seize Ji Chang抯 son to threaten him, but due to inaccurate information, he mistakenly caught the young master of the Qu family. Qu Lanting is particularly affectionate towards this younger brother, and he laid a trap around Master Wen, making escape impossible. He was also betrayed by Yu Jiang, leading to his death. As for the exact events that unfolded, Master Wen is now dead, and Yu Jiang, who has vanished for many years, we cannot know. Only the young master of the Qu family, who was present at the scene, would know. Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

揧u Jiang抯 whereabouts might be found through this young master of the Qu family. Unfortunately, Qu Lanting is too protective of this younger brother and extremely wary of us. Previously, he had dedicated efforts to strike against the Rans, only now have we been able to catch our breath. If we were to draw his attention again due to this, I fear it would do more harm than good. Lin Feng said with a heavy heart.

Ran Tengxiao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the reflection of his tall silhouette on the glass. The man抯 eyes were deep as an abyss, impenetrable and profound.

揜an Bowen, Yu Jiang, Qu Feitai, Zhu Mingjing, Xi Yu厰. It was as if there was a thread subtly influencing everything, but who held this thread was yet unknown.

揧un MO came to Jiangzhou to protect the young master of the Qu family personally. The Rans have come a long way, we must stay cautious for now. Qu Lanting is a man who doesn抰 hesitate when he goes crazy, and his only bottom line is his younger brother. Lin Feng told Ran Tengxiao slowly while gazing at his back.

揋o check on Zhu Mingjing.

Lin Feng paused, not understanding why Ran Tengxiao would want him to investigate Ms. Zhu. She had nothing to do with the events from twelve years ago, right?

If it was because of Master Xiao抯 personal feelings

揧ou forgot about the Narcissus Basin incident. I never believe in coincidences. There is, however, a possibility厰.

Ran Tengxiao narrowed his eyes, 揗y uncle抯 daughter, if she was still alive, she would be sixteen years old now, right?

Lin Feng was stunned, 揟his this can抰 be, right?

揟he genes of the Zhu family, can抰 produce such outstanding children. Ran Tengxiao said mockingly.

On this point, Lin Feng had to agree. If there was anything good about the Rans, it was their genes; everyone was either handsome or beautiful.

But this guess was too outrageous, he couldn抰 process it immediately, as if his brain was about to shut down.

揈veryone knows that Ms. Zhu is the lost real daughter of the Zhu family that they had recently found.. Surely the Zhu family couldn抰 have messed this up, right?

This content is taken from fr(e)ewebn(o)vel.𝓬𝓸𝓶