Book Transmigration: I Wanted to Keep a Low Profile, but Everyone Noticed Me!-Chapter 373 - : Eavesdropping

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Chapter 373: Eavesdropping

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This was the first time Audrey had watched someone else抯 blind date. As she ate the food on her plate, she listened attentively.

慚r. Connor. Sarah smiled again. 揧ou抮e a successful person. I heard that you抮e an executive of a subsidiary company under the Lance Family. Is that true?

Elena and Audrey were stunned.

Seeing Elena looking at her inquisitively, Audrey hurriedly shook her head.

Soon, Elena lowered her voice and said, 揇idn抰 you just say that that guy has been fired by your company?

Audrey nodded. 揑s there a possibility that he抯 bragging now?

Elena couldn抰 help but grin.

揗iss Sarah, although I抦 an executive of the company, I抦 actually a very low-key person. Connor puffed out his chest. 揧ou have to Imow that my rise to that position is not only due to the recognition of the management but also due to my personal efforts.

A look of admiration immediately appeared on Sarah抯 face梩his greatly satisfied Connor抯 pride as a man.

揑 won抰 hide it from you, Mr. Connor. Sarah smiled shyly. 揂ctually, I抳e worked in a company under our family抯 name before. I have a certain understanding of company management.

Connor looked surprised. 揙h? Miss Sarah has actually managed a company before? May I ask who your family is?

Sarah prided herself on being a low-key person, so when she sent him the matchmaking information, she didn抰 elaborate on her identity.

Seeing the curious look on Connor抯 face, Sarah couldn抰 help but sit up straight proudly. 揗r. Connor, have you heard of Elena?

揈lena? Connor was puzzled for a few seconds. Soon, he shouted in shock, 揂h, are you talking about Elena in the entertainment industry?

Sarah smiled proudly. 揟hat抯 right.

Elena and Audrey looked at each other.

揑s this woman trying to use my name to swindle people? Elena could not help but sneer.

Audrey barely held back the smile on her face. 揑t looks like I抳e really gained a lot today.

Soon, they heard Connor asking excitedly, 揑n that case, you you are?

Sarah pretended to be modest and smiled. 揑抦 Elena抯 sister.

Connor looked even more shocked.

揝he meant cousin, Elena mumbled.

Sarah continued, 揗r. Connor, my sister is a famous actress. Her family background isn抰 low either. You know that my family has countless assets. I don抰 have to worry about sustenance at all.

Sarah had deliberately glossed over her real relationship with Elena. To Connor, she was now Elena抯 biological sister.

揑 didn抰 expect to be on a blind date with the superstar抯 sister. Connor smiled.

揗iss Sarah, let me toast you.

Soon, Audrey and Elena heard the sound of their glasses clinking.

Elena抯 expression was very strange.

Sarah was very satisfied with Connor抯 attitude. She bragged about her family抯 assets and the countless beauty salons and mansions under her name.

Connor naturally did not back down. He said that he was highly regarded by his superiors in the company and that he would be able to take over one of the subsidiaries in half a year at most.

Hearing the conversation between Sarah and Connor, Audrey almost laughed out loud.

揈lena, your cousin is indeed eloquent. Audrey thought for a moment and gave her evaluation objectively.

Elena took a deep breath and said, 揟hat brat is using my name to swindle people. I really want to rush out and teach her a lesson now.

Audrey hurriedly stopped her. 揇arling, don抰 be anxious. Let抯 listen more, hahaha

Perhaps it was because Sarah and Connor were convinced by the other party抯 揻inancial resources or some other reason, but after half an hour, their attitudes completely changed. At this moment, they seemed to treat each other as their confidants in life.

揑 won抰 hide it from you, Mr. Connor, Sarah said with a sad expression. 揑 once had a boyfriend in high school, but he cheated on me behind my back! And he cheated on me with a man! I was heartbroken. At that time, I swore that I would never trust anyone again..

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